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  1. M

    1 park per day?

    What time do the parks open & how much should i expect to pay for parking? Once again, you guys/gals are great!:sohappy: My hat's off to all of you. Hopefully, the information that you all have given will help me and my family make sound decisions. Thanks!
  2. M

    1 park per day?

    wow..........thanks alot everyone! You all have told me things that i have not considered before and trust me, i truly appreciate it! Now, from what i gather, MGM & AK are both do-able in one day, but it will be exhausting. Epcot & MK are both two day. Water parks are do-able, but will be...
  3. M

    1 park per day?

    Hi everyone! :wave: My family and I are heading to Disney World for the very first time during the second week of June. We all decided to purchase the 6-day MYW tickets with water park option. That leads me to my question(s). Is it possible to do 1 park per day? Also, is it possible to do both...
  4. M

    Disney area rental homes- Answers

    Thanks dismum! One more question(s), do you know if a shuttle will be available from the community & if they have tickets i can purchase?
  5. M

    Disney area rental homes- Answers

    Hi Steve, I've reserved a vacation home at the Highland Reserve. What have you heard about this property?
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