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  1. R

    Do you think now that HP uses the Kuka robotic arm for a ride....

    I'm 278 and I was able to get on, and yes the restraints are tight but it's one of those things that they claim t to be working on. Personally I think it's a sad sight to see that alot of the population including myself are too overweight.
  2. R

    Do you think now that HP uses the Kuka robotic arm for a ride....

    Do they, I did not know that. How can they have the Sum of thrills ride then?
  3. R

    Traffic Jams going back to Monorail resorts at night

    Yeah because of safety and security of the fireworks, certain roads have to be shut down until the fireworks shows are over. It's a safety issue more than anything.
  4. R

    Do you think now that HP uses the Kuka robotic arm for a ride....

    That disney will follow suit with some kind of dark ride. We all know that Sum of all thrills uses this type of machine, but will we see something similar like Forbidden Journey at IOA.
  5. R

    Next Generation Fastpass?

    You know if we can get tickets barcodes for concerts on our phones now, why not do the same for fast pass. Have like a reservation system where you can do it before you even enter the park. I think that would be cool, it would make people mad but sometimes it's frusturating to go into a park...
  6. R

    People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

    Mr. Locke, sorry you died in that Lost show but I disagree with the fact you think the movies are throw away or will be forgotten. I beg to differ on this, i'm no hard core fan or what not but outside of the first two films the rest have been above average movies. Do I think they are Wizard of...
  7. R

    People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

    The problem that was written before is that people go thinking it's an actual park, when in fact it's a land in IOA. People as vacationers don't think logically and never will, because like the old expression, guest leave brain at home. It's worth going but in sept when it's not 800 thousand...
  8. R

    People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

    I honestly agree that Disney has timeless stories but it is ludicrous to say that Harry Potter doesn't have the same appeal, it's one of these rare book series that will live on long after you or I are dead.
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    People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

    I can see it right now, Disney calls up Universal says yeah we've decided that we want you to call it Disney Marvel Island now. :ROFLOL:
  10. R

    People Waiting at WDW for Harry Potter?!

    I don't usually post but had to post on this one. I've been the WWOHP many of times before the official opening of the park itself. I've done everything there, ridden every ride, tried every item. It's a great land, small unforntuantly but great none the less. It baffles me honestly the...
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