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  1. laura_ashley

    New Fall 2006 CP

    Congratulations! Congratulations!! That's so exciting...I'm doing merchandise Fall '06 too! I can't wait! :sohappy:
  2. laura_ashley

    Phone Interview Questions...

    !!! congratulations on your interview!!! i knew you'd do great!! :kiss: yay disney!! ~laura ps: a huge thank you to everyone who helped us!! :D
  3. laura_ashley

    interview tips

    thanks thank you all so much for your help!! :)
  4. laura_ashley

    interview tips

    Hi everyone!! My interview for the fall '06 program is really soon and I'm super excited!! I'm just a little nervous about the interview...I'd be heartbroken if I didn't get in! :( Does anyone have any tips for me? Thank you so much!! ~laura
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