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    WDW Character Pic of the Day

    hmmm...... She can smile! :D
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    TinkerBelle8878 : Yes the Mary Blair work is very nice too, probably exists in peoples homes throughout the United States (especially Florida) Anyone : Well I kind of cant update much more, Id have hoped people would post their own pictures since flickr and webshots can only show so much. I...
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    Original Imagination Fountain Pic Request

    TheBeatles : thanks for info. And I must say WOW at your blog, its late but I just clicked through and its really up my ally (bookmarked). I suspect you are the person who buys the old disney plastic/paper bags on ebay hehe. Great stuff, thanks for sharing Anyone : still interested in more...
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    Original Imagination Fountain Pic Request

    I started a topic in Resorts, trips, cruise forum about history of Resort rooms and changes they went through Link here - Anyhow in my search for pictures from the resorts from the different time periods I came across this pic (btw check out...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics Caribbean Beach Resort 1991
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    While looking for some 80s references to Disney rooms on flickr I came across this jewel. This guy is awesome, he took pictures of a vacation trip to Disney world in 84 and its great to see many old things long gone and some still there. BONUS, if you browse around the rest of his pictures hes...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    ErickainPA : Quiet a list of hotels, since I dont have any images from that time I cant be sure if other hotels besides Contemporary had that map in their rooms. Maybe if I can make this topic grow with more interest their will be no doubts how the rooms looked at that time. kbmum : I should...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics I found this photo on flickr, (credits to owner) Does anyone know what resort this is from? I'm assuming it is due to the photo on the wall and the rest of the photos are indeed from WDW in 73. [EDIT] Image above...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    kbmum : Thanks for the photo, that is amazing. Theme-ing really doesn't seem evident back then. I wonder if the items that were in the rooms were catalog type items that were widely available to anyone. The artwork however looks special, Mary Blair type stuff. Thanks for sharing MagicMegan ...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    Here is some of the Polynesian from 2001 and 2009. If anyone has any from 80s or earlier feel free to post. Polynesian Resort (2001) Polynesian resort (2008-09)...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    Sewin2Disney : thanks for the link ,I had been there before but not in a long time, amazing to see the interior decor from then. Ive stayed with my family at many resorts, but I dont think we ever really took pictures ( shame) JustInTime : I do like it but I also dont mind the old since I am...
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    Disney Resort Rooms through the years - Post Pics

    I recently bought Contemporary room lamp from previous room design ( flying saucer one) It got me thinking, how have the resorts decor changed through the years. I did some looking on this forum and on the net and was unsuccessful at finding any such pictures. I was thinking be great to see how...
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    Disney Cruise Line Bread Dips

    Hehe thanks, I'm really looking forward to returning again soon ( who knows when) Hopefully someone with a really good memory will remember and give an update to this thread.
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    Disney Cruise Line Bread Dips

    I took a cruise with my family February 2008 and had a GREAT time. I'd highly recommend the Disney Cruise line to anyone. I'm normally a very picky eater and very predictable in the foods I pick, but on that first cruise of mine I tried so many different types of foods. It was great fun... but...
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    Operation Rescue Dreamfinder

    Hmm... Operation Rescue Dreamfinder..... Ok this is going off topic, but that name just made me think of a crazy attraction idea. Think, Dinosaur attraction (theme of it) meets JIYI. Figment tells you that Dreamfinder has been located/heard from. Been kidnapped away in the alternate dimension...
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    Vintage Attraction Posters?

    Well I hate to dig this topic up but it seemed a reasonable reason too. Concerning the "Forgery Pre-Opening Epcot Center Posters". Ebay can be confusing and there are a lot of people trying to rip others off. There are legitimate ways to sell copys of things.. take for example the people selling...
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    Vintage Attraction Posters?

    SirNim :Sorry if you posted but I read your topic and I cant find where you mention the user's name. Well I dont mean to throw stones at people but I believe this guy is the forgery man of Epcot Center Posters...
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    Vintage Attraction Posters?

    drooll..... Vintage Epcot...... cant get enough of it... About the Epcot Posters, my Dad and I are big collectors.. I'm more of the finder and I find ways to get him to buy. Basically if its 80s I'm sold, and as I know I'm not alone since lots of Competition for that stuff on ebay. I was...
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    Park Signs

    Thanks Horizons1 for that prompt reply. Yeah I figured there wasnt, just was not 100 % sure.
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    Park Signs

    Hi, I was wondering if there was ever a lampost sign for the 30th Anniversary of Disneyworld? I was down there then but for the life of me I cant remember. I recall the 2000 signs and I believe 100 years signs.. Reason I'm asking, my Father and I have signs from the 10th, 15th, 20th and 25th...
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