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  1. S

    main street electrical parade

    Thank you ErickainNJ! i went to these web site yet and i found some information but not all that i want... That's the reason of my questions on this forum because i think that people who have seen the parade could have some answer! I'll try to post too in spectromagic comunity if i can reach it...
  2. S

    ongoing "discussion" with DLP

    Don't miss the chance and jump to the Disneyland Hotel, the best one at the park. Once there, ask for fast pass tickets, and for a room from where you can see the park :). There is a beautiful swimming pool too, and you're just at the entrance of the park (i mean 10 meters of the ticketing).
  3. S

    main street electrical parade

    Hi! i'm really interested in technics of spectromagic I'm not living in states so i never seen this parade but in video. And i have a lot of questions. If you could help me, i'll we be really happy! I've made a search but i didn't find answers to this questions: First question is: In the...
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