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  1. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    We had the 85 and also have to catch DME back at Sports for 4:55. In line now and it’s moving. Line started at the waterfall just inside. Hoping we can fit it in.
  2. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I have 3 adults in my group and 1 child. We are all linked together (sent invites) but on 3 different accounts. I manage the child’s account but any of us can add or modify fastpasses etc. for each other.
  3. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    FWIW- we were in line for TOT near the restrooms on VZW LTE. Not sure if location or provider mattered or not today.
  4. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Yeh. We opened app at 7:50:50. Two of us tapped find out more right at 8:00 and got the gray button. Tapped my status still gray. We just bounced between screens until my wife as a 2nd backup got in probably 10-15 seconds after 8 but didn’t know “select all” so I figure we would have been a...
  5. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    After bg 21 and 18 Wouldn’t give us the join button. With 3 of us my wife finally got through. BG85. Bummer. Will probably miss it. Oh well. Right up front for TOT.
  6. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Last day. Trying to go 3/3. Even 50 degrees and drizzle is better than the 10 degrees we will return to tonight.
  7. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Update... My son’s wasn’t linked to my BG even though when he was trying to get them for the both of us at the same time and it showed he was already a apart of our “party”. I was surprised when we went to checkin that he couldn’t. Needless to say, a cast member with an ipad was able to look up...
  8. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    WiFi/BT off. Turn phone off 7:40. Turn back on at 7:55. At 7:59:50 open app. Today the app opened a moment before 8 so when my Phone flipped I start tapping and got right through. No crashes or refreshes. I was also patient and just waited for what seemed for ever as each screen loaded. However...
  9. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    BG 18 using the advice from the group. Thank you. So far 21, 18. Going to try on Friday again.
  10. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    We did get back on with a FP (BG21) around 3:10 pm after being escorted backstage off the ride just after the ATs. But 1/2 the vehicles were running empty. For what it’s worth, we were blue on the left both times. Regardless, mission accomplished to ride both in Galaxy’s Edge along with a few...
  11. factory190

    News Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Standby Line and Boarding Groups at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Thank you for all the advice. BG 21 for a first timer. Not thank you for the “delays”. WiFi/BT off. Fresh start 7:59:53. Even though app was open at 8:00am I had to tap My Status to get the Join BG button. Got anxious waiting for my party names to populate. But it worked. And now we wait...
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