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  1. Krissy2803

    Free Birthday Admission in 2010

    Well whadda you know??! My birthday is Sunday too. Happy Birthday to us! :wave::sohappy:
  2. Krissy2803

    What's your favorite magcial moment?

    I was fine until I read this post. Now I am blubbering away. :cry: :animwink:
  3. Krissy2803

    It's Over! =( Trip Report 8/29-9/07 ton of pics

    I know the girl thought I had lost it because I had tears streaming down my face as I looked up to say thank you. We rode the ferry out where we all watched the castle and the Magic Kingdom fade away until the next time! I am the same way! My hubby has to keep his arm around me or I will just...
  4. Krissy2803

    Have you ever taken a picture and examined people in the background.

    The lady at the front of the car is giving me an "oh no you didn't just take my picture" look. :ROFLOL:
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