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  1. ReneeW

    how many more days for you?

    Yay Just a little over 2 days.
  2. ReneeW

    Happy Dance

    Packing tip! We leave in 10 days and haven't started yet. It's not easy to when the kids are going to all be wearing their "nicer shorts, etc." all week to school before we leave, so I'm sure I'll be doing some last minute packing. Here is a tip that worked for us. We put each kids outfit...
  3. ReneeW

    Education Opportunities at WDW for 1st Grader

    Going the same time here We will be gone the same time as you and so far my 4 children's teachers have said How fun! Can we go too? I just asked them to send any work that can be done at home and also ideas on things to do that they feel will incoporate material missed at school. We just...
  4. ReneeW

    Minnie Mouse Clothing for upcoming WDW Trip!

    Too Cute! The outfits are just adorable! Hey, I see that we live in the same city. :)
  5. ReneeW

    Magical Express tags

    Yep, go ahead and use them. They are neat keepsakes and id tags. The dining deal is awesome. That's part of the reason we are going, plus the Magic your way package was a great deal. Whene are you guys going and where are you staying?
  6. ReneeW

    Magical Express tags

    Gee, I wish I knew the answer. Call Disney and ask to see if they do international flights also. The Magical express does need to be booked seperatly and you give them all your flight info.
  7. ReneeW

    Magical Express tags

    The ones with the castle? Those are really cute. The birght yellow tags are the magical express ones.
  8. ReneeW

    Magical Express tags

    Yay! They came in the mail 2 days ago. Only 21 days left! Plus the kids start back to school next week so that will make the time go even faster, or at least feel like it. :animwink:
  9. ReneeW

    Some restaurants get new dress code

    Well, they were good enough for the White House. To those that wear flip flops around the park, do your feet hurt more after awhile than if you wore tennis shoes? I love the cool, not stuffy feeling, of flip flops, but I have a feeling my feet would be worn out.
  10. ReneeW

    Captain Jack Sparrow

    Johnny D. look alike Have you all seen the Terri Clark video "Girls Lie Too"? I wonder who the guy in the video is that looks like Jack Sparrow? He would be good.
  11. ReneeW

    Need a suggestion

    Great place We stayed there 2 yrs. ago and it was wonderful. The rooms were spacious and the warm choc. chip cookie when checking in was a nice touch. Also liked that is was close to the grocery store AND downtown Disney.
  12. ReneeW

    What's Up With

    I couldn't agree more I totally understand! I've given up on trying to do anything in the My Vacation part. It would never work for me or let alone let me save my fav. rides, etc. I just stick to going to the "Unofficial" sites. BTW, one of those call centers is here where I live.
  13. ReneeW

    Who's dining with an Imagineer (ooh, pick me!) !?!?!

    That sounds like so much fun! Write all your questions down on note cards so you don't forget. Have a great time!
  14. ReneeW

    Sci-Fi Rest. closed for Mantience Sept.6-13

    I just got a call from a nice lady regarding our Sept. 6 Resv. to Sci-fi. So, I had to call back and change our plans. If you have reservations for this time frame, you'll prob. be getting a call soon.
  15. ReneeW

    Magical Express - A good review

    Ok this may be a dumb question, but how exactly do you get them the info. on flights? Do we need to call at a certain time or do they call and confirm stuff. Help!
  16. ReneeW

    Limited Budget...Favorite Dining spots??

    Thanks for the help Belle. We'll give it a try. I hear that you get so much food anyways, that there shouldn't be a prob. going hungry afterwords.
  17. ReneeW

    Labour Day w/e Crowds

    Thanks for the question. We will be down there the same time. Now I'm kinda wondering if we should do MK on that Monday or not.
  18. ReneeW

    Limited Budget...Favorite Dining spots??

    Ok, here is another idea. If hubby and I share a meal, say I eat the appt. and he eats the entree, can it be streched out to 6 days that way? How do they deduct it from your card. By what each person orders, or by how many people in the party?
  19. ReneeW

    Has anyone had a good experience with magic Express?

    Thanks for the help, Jp. :o)
  20. ReneeW

    Has anyone had a good experience with magic Express?

    Participating airline Does anyone know if Mid West Air is a participating airline? With 4 kids in tow, it would make it sooooo much easier arriving and especially leaving if we can get the boarding pass at the resort. Thanks for all your help.
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