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  1. W

    Question on "The Village" (spoilers)

    The Holy Grail huh!! I like funny movies, but I just couldnt get passed the beginning when they were riding their 'stick' horses. The part where they kept on cutting off that guys limbs was kinda funny though!! :lol: That is about as far as I got in that one!!
  2. W

    Question on "The Village" (spoilers)

    :lol: Well, you just managed to thoroughly confuse me!! :veryconfu Of course, that is not too dificult. :animwink: But hey, thanks for the welcome....ahh?? dood!! I THINK! ;)
  3. W

    Question on "The Village" (spoilers)

    It made me laugh when Ivy starts running away the second that the 'creature' puts its arms out. She is blind and she saw that?? ;) I am not one to over analyze, but that whole part was pretty funny! :animwink: BTW-I'm Dennis :wave: I have heard good things about this place, so I...
  4. W

    A Disney Adventure Park?

    I would LOVE to see Disney build a thrill park. It would be my favorite park if they would do it right. They had a good idea with California Adventure, but they needed a bigger coaster. Soarin is pretty much there best ride. If they build one, they should go BIG. Make it stand out as a coaster...
  5. W

    Theme Park VS Thrill Park

    I would definitley go to a thrill park if Disney built it. I think it would do great! There is a big demand out there amongst the teen and early 20's age group that dont like Disney very much. Most of my friends get bored quickly at all Disney parks. Most of them love IoA. They want thrills...
  6. W

    "Goofin' Off" at WDW

    Sometimes when I am the back seat of ToT, I will have my wife or friend, say in a louder voice to me, "now Den, please dont throw up this time. That poor guy on the last trip got it all over him" LOL:lol: I have her say it just loud enough so you know the people in front can hear us, but not...
  7. W

    If You Could Steal a Ride Vehicle, Which One and Why?

    I would definitley pick a R&R car. I has comfy seats, has great suround sound and can hold lots of my friends :lol: Dennis
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