Search results

  1. polarboi

    Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Refurb in October?

    The Tree of Life looks amazing at night, and the projections they do are worth hanging out for a while just to watch, but you're right, there's really not that much to do at night. Certainly not enough to spend your entire day there.
  2. polarboi

    Room Availability

    You might try searching those same dates one night at a time. (For instance, you can search for rooms available Oct 15-16, and then search for 16-17, and then 17-18, etc.) That way, you can figure out if the hotel you want is really unavailable that entire week, or if it's just booked on one...
  3. polarboi

    Disney World Mobile Site Launched - Wait Times, Fastpasses, etc

    Has anybody tried the new mobile wait time app put out by I just found it today, and I'm curious how accurate it is. (It's currently free.) -p.b. :cool:
  4. polarboi

    Fantasyland expansion a go - CONFIRMED

    That sounds like the (really cool) rose effect they use in the Beast's library at DCA. For those of you who have never been to Disneyland, there's a really cool animation building at DCA which houses, among other things, a one-room version of the Beast's castle. The effects in that room are...
  5. polarboi

    GM Out, Cars In?

    *cough*Waldo*cough* :lookaroun -p.b. :cool:
  6. polarboi

    Disney’s Online Check-In Service Launching Jan. 2009

    Yeah, I think this is a great idea as well. Last December I stayed at Pop Century with my fairly large family, divided up between 4 different rooms. My mom is unable to stand for long periods of time, so she had to sit and wait somewhere else while other family members stood in the very long...
  7. polarboi

    Disney to charge for Fastpass

    Oh, I disagree. Because of the way the system is designed (only a limited number of FPs assigned per hour, only one FP at a time per guest, only a limited number of attractions use FP), there's always going to be a benefit to using FP, even if everyone uses it. FP allows you to essentially...
  8. polarboi

    Disney to charge for Fastpass

    I don't know that the friend is putting her on, but I doubt that the text she saw (whatever it was) is finalized and intended for the public in the future. I would be absolutely shocked if Disney ever "made a point" of publicly mentioning that one of their prices was cheaper than Universal's...
  9. polarboi

    Pleasure Island's Last night

    Thank you! This is exactly what I was thinking. I find it sad that sbkline and a few others seem to assume that PI was all about drinking. Not so. I don't drink, yet I always found PI to be a magical place, something truly Disney in its attention to detail and yet not kid-oriented. I like...
  10. polarboi

    VIDEO of "Enchanted Stitch Room"

    "Blood on the saddle... blood all around...." :lol: So, jedimaster, from what you've heard, is this thing looking likely, or are we really just talking blue sky at this point? -p.b. :cool:
  11. polarboi

    Fantasmic gets cut to just 2 shows per week

    It seems to me quite likely that the opening of AI is a pretty big factor in all of this. The American Idol Experience is a big part of Disney's strategy for the future of DHS. They want it to be a major draw, something that guests will be willing to spend an entire day auditioning for in...
  12. polarboi

    Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.

    Count me in that group. I considered the PAP or the "Water Parks & More" options to be worth it primarily because of PI. I enjoy DQ once in a blue moon but I don't much care for the water parks, and neither of those would be enough for me to spend the extra money. I spent the extra money so...
  13. polarboi

    Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.

    No way - Mannequins was way more 90s than 80s, and I liked it like that. Now Wonders of Life... that was 80s. But I disagree that Mannequins was dated anyway. Certainly, it represented a rarity here in the US. There are precious few smoke-free places to dance in that kind of immersive...
  14. polarboi

    Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.

    One off-topic note: I totally agree with your point here, but I do want to say that WDW's Pooh is (in my opinion) far superior to Disneyland's Pooh. And, even though I still miss Mr. Toad, if it weren't for the nostalgia factor (which is, admittedly, great), I'd probably prefer Pooh, as it's...
  15. polarboi

    Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.

    An interesting side effect... I was just thinking about this, and maybe I'm the only one, but I wonder if others will have this experience. Normally, when I come to WDW, I like to have the complete "on property" experience. I take Magical Express from the airport. I stay in a Disney hotel...
  16. polarboi

    Say goodbye to ALL the clubs at PI.

    Jeffrey, I'm with ya dude. Although I live out of town, Mannequins has always been my special place too, whenever I'm in Florida. It's the one place in the world I most love to go to dance and hang out, where I feel safe and can just let loose and have a good time. It might not have been...
  17. polarboi

    New Haunted Mansion Spiel

    Agreed. Even assuming Jim Hill is right about the new requirements, why would everyone assume that they have anything to do with political correctness? The "new spiel," as Jim Hill describes it, is just as dark as "wretched bodies," so it doesn't sound at all like Disney trying to make it more...
  18. polarboi

    Spaceship Earth reopening reports

    When I rode back in December, it appeared that the first question (Home, Work, Health, or Leisure) determined which of the 4 main videos you would see. Then the six either/or questions after that would make small changes to the video. For instance, if you chose Leisure, you'd be asked...
  19. polarboi

    Inside Edition undercover report on WDW hotels. 5:58 pm eastern

    Um, the problem here isn't that they're washing cups with their bare hands. The problem is that the cups aren't being washed at all. Just rinsed out. Would you eat at a restaurant that gave you a fork another customer had just eaten off of, without using any soap on it first? If so, go right...
  20. polarboi

    More changes to P.I. and to DTD

    At least on Thursdays. Yeah, although I actually kind of hate this screenname. It was an inside reference between a friend and I like 10 years ago, and I revived it when I registered on here because I wanted to avoid using the screenname I'm known by elsewhere. (I do a lot of...
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