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  1. amymouse

    Who's been on a Disney Cruise?

    I've been on 6 DCL cruises and have two more booked for later this year. I really enjoy them. I have yet to try another cruiseline because I've been so pleased with my experiences with DCL. I know what "product" I'm getting with them and am hesitant to try out any others. You'd think I'd be...
  2. amymouse

    Riding Mission: SPACE

    I must be weird, but the only time I felt even the slightest bit sick was the time I rode on an EMPTY stomach!! LOL My sister and I made a beeline for this ride immediately after eating a full dinner at Marrakesh and never thought twice about it. But I dare to step on it without a morning...
  3. amymouse

    Character Meals for the Solo Traveler

    I really enjoy doing the character meals as a solo. I feel like I get more character interaction and even some very fun poses from the characters that I wouldn't experience if I had company with me. One of my all-time favorite pics is from the CP where Tigger decided to sit across the table from...
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