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  1. C

    how many more days for you?

    11 More Days!!!!!!!! We are staying at the Fort Wilderness Cabins and we are so exicited. My kids are driving me nuts already.
  2. C

    Disposable camera's?

    I have decided that I am going to take a dozen or so disposable camera to take our pictures. I don't want to worry about losing my digital camera and I don't want the hassle of downloading the pictures. I can only store around 80, and then like 60 more with my card. Anyhow, I was wondering where...
  3. C

    how many more days for you?

    19 DAYS!!!!!!!:) I can hardly stand it!!!!!!!!!
  4. C

    O.K. 25 more days....

    Thanks for the tip. I will have to check out the Nascar place. I think we are planning on going out of Sea World to eat anyhow, so maybe we can go there.
  5. C

    O.K. 25 more days....

    Wow, thanks for all of the great responses. We already have the van reserved and paid for expept the taxes of course. I will probably skip the ocean. I will be taking notes for each park with what we are planning on doing everyday. We might try and get a chance to see the fireworks once. I still...
  6. C

    O.K. 25 more days....

    I am trying very hard to get everything line up in my head. We will be arriving around 3:00 on June 19th and leaving on June 25th. We are renting a van at the airport, they told us we would have to pay Florida taxes when we got the van. Any idea how much this is? Ball park figure anyhow. We are...
  7. C

    I think I have everything planned?

    Just wanted to get everyone's feedback on my plans. I am very eager to hear your thoughts. First of all our trip is for June 19, thru June 25. My husband and I are taking our kids, who are 2, 5, 10 and 16. We will be arriving in Orlando from Indianapolis at around 3:00, we have a rental van from...
  8. C

    Parades, Fireworks?

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't think I was going to get a response. I know Friday is probably a slow day, as everyone is busier.
  9. C

    Parades, Fireworks?

    Can anyone explain the parade, fireworks and park hours thing? Does every park have a parade and fireworks? Do the parks always open early for guest, or stay open later for guest? The kids were looking forward to seeing at least one parade and the fireworks once. But I don't want to have missed...
  10. C

    New to board, have ?

    Thanks for all the help. I was looking at the website for US and IOA and it really seems like there is not alot at either one for the little kids. Maybe we should consider Sea World or just take a day off?
  11. C

    New to board, have ?

    Thanks for the help. I would like to go to the Boardwalk, if we can fit it in. My kids were not interested in Epcot at all. The agent that helps us said we would need the minivan to go to Gatorland and IOA? I didn't really know, but we have already paid for everything so I guess we are stuck...
  12. C

    New to board, have ?

    Hi just joined the board, I have been reading alot of interesting post. I was on the Disney site for a couple of months, it was just too much for me to decide on. I went to our local travel agency and they took care of everything. We wanted to come in the beginning of June but they couldn't get...
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