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  1. S

    Planning for June 2006

    Just got back last Monday from a short trip, and am totally looking forward to starting to plan our next trip in June 2006, our first time taking our daughter who will be 2. When should I book for June 10-17, 2006? I think I read that new package prices for next year come out in July or...
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    First off, I continue to love this site, second, Tipping Magical Express?

    Interesting. We came home yesterday, and when we got off the bus, I wasn't sure if I should tip or not, but the driver was standing by the door with a big wad of bills in her hand, so I gave her $1 (we only had one bag). She just said thank you, she didn't try to give it back or anything...
  3. S

    Magical Express Question?

    We just got home today :cry: and I admit I was very skeptical about using Magical Express, but we did, and it worked good for us. We never received the luggage tags, but we went to the counter and gave them our name and our baggage claim tag, and were on our way. We got checked in easier than...
  4. S

    Baggage Tags for Magic Express?

    Thanks Belle! I didn't realize Mears was no longer going to WDW property, but I suppose that makes sense since they are sort of the ones behind Magic Express. We had always used them on past trips, so that was the name I thought of. Quicksilver sounds great. I'll have to keep that in mind. I...
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    Baggage Tags for Magic Express?

    I am starting to get really nervous about using Magic Express. My DH and I arrive Friday. I have called to to verify that we are in the system, and the girl on the phone confirmed all my info, and that yes, we are in the system. However, we still have not gotten bag tags. I just spoke to our...
  6. S

    how many more days for you?

    4 :)
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    how many more days for you?

    12 Days!!!
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    American Idol!

    Okay, what is going on with this voting? The general conscensous that I hear from everyone I talk to is that they don't like Scott. And that's the same feeling I get from all of you guys. And wouldn't you think that we are a pretty representative cross section of America? Who is he...
  9. S

    Whose going in May?

    My husband and I will be at Pop Century May 20-23. Our first vacation alone since our daughter was born a year ago. :sohappy: Also, this is the first Disney trip that we are paying for on our own, that is not with family, or a gift from family. So this is a short, but special trip for us!
  10. S

    When are you going and where are you staying official list!

    APRIL 2005 24-29: Cindy_K - Saratoga Springs Resort and Spa 26-30: Trishnh with family & friends-PO Riverside 27-May 4: RedGear- All Star Movies MAY 2005 1-5: Trishnh continued-PO Riverside 3-8: Rainfully - Off Property 5-8: Fruitcake - Pop Century 5-8: goofyfan13 - Marriott Horizons...
  11. S

    Which Value resort is right for us?

    Pop is also a little closer to Epcot and MK than the All Stars, not by much though...maybe five minutes? The All Stars are closest to Animal Kingdom. I agree with the majority of the other posters. Go for Pop Century.
  12. S

    The Mickey Bar debate: Which is your favorite?

    Wasn't there a Donald Duck Orange Juice bar not too long ago? I remember my dad eating those while we all went for the chocolate. My vote has to go to Mickey Premium bar though! I get to have one (or 12) in a month and 3 days!!!
  13. S

    Three random questions

    Wow...thanks guys! What great suggestions! I am at the moment leaning toward Mexico for dinner. It looks so neat in that dark pavillion with the boatride in the back ground. Too much good food, too little time!!! We'll have to try Ellen...great idea to use it to pass time while waiting for a...
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    Three random questions

    Hi everyone! I was just reading the 2005 Birnbaum Official Guide, and three totally unrelated, random questions came to mind. I've been lurking here awhile, so I know you guys know just about everything, and will be able to help me. 1. Ellen's Energy Adventure...Is it really Ellen Degenerus...
  15. S

    how many more days for you?

    45 days for us! Can't wait!
  16. S

    Flower & Garden Concert Series

    Argghh...The Nelsons are going to be there the weekend before I am!!! Darn. I loved them in the 90's when they were hard rockers, and I love them as they are now! And get this... I just checked their website...they are going to be in my area the weekend we are at Disney!!! :brick:
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