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  1. T

    Photos and Video - New UK Pavilion band - The English Channel

    Boring....... All that is missing behind the UK Pavillion now is a wedding in progress. A wedding band that plays the gig dressed like they would for practice in the basement. Come on Disney, wake up.
  2. T

    Has your trip ever been "Ruined"?

    Nothing Like A Stroke At Disney In 1994 on the second day of our annual Disney vacation my mother had a mild stroke in Imagination at Epcot. We didn't realize it was a stroke at the time and thought she just had a cramp in her leg our something. She had trouble getting out of her wheel chair...
  3. T

    Any Truth To This? 15 Month AP Renewal

    It Won't Benifit Us At All We buy an annual pass to cover our pass the current year and then go a month earlier the following year. So if we used this new plan we would gain nothing because we can only afford to go once a year usually.:animwink:
  4. T

    Pics from top of Castle

    Thanks For The Tip! Thanks for the tips on Tinks exciting ride. To bad you can't save the pictures. They would make a nice wallpaper!
  5. T

    Where Are The Photos Of Tinks Launch Point?

    I recently saw some photos here of Tinks point of launch in the castle including the elevator up etc. I can't seem to find them now. Does anyone know where they are?
  6. T

    Saw the "Dream Squad" in action today

    It really must be tough for Disney to put up with Democrats like you coming to The Year Of A Million Dreams. I know, you didn't say you were. But I'll bet you are. Typical carping and whining about what the next guy has that you don't. Boo Hoo. Let's get the government to pass a law against...
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