haha yea, I'll have to find those!! And then I remember in Mickey's house there was this package (now this is weird) my Aunt and Cousin put a package for them in the house as a gift or something. It stayed there for years..no I'm not imagining things.
Jeez I remember the Birthdayland to well!! It was one of my favorite places, the one thing I can remember was the show when Mickey's cake burned or something and came out of the oven. When they changed the show I remember being sooo depressed because of it. Ohhh and also those little minature...
I was there last summer and also missed Splash :(. It was interesting to see the differences in the attractions especially Pirates!! Anyways, the castle is just a little small for my taste, but that's ok!!
Wow, all of you filled me with such fond memories of such a wonderful place!! Two things that I enjoyed as a child weren't mentioned here I don't believe. One of them being the Captain EO attraction at EPCOT. I always used to think all of the 3D animations were always directed towards me lol...
Yea, I thought it was great!! I was in section 112, they were ok seats, but great especially when they went on the catwalk to the other side of the auditorium. I'm not a devoted fan, but think they are a very talented group of guys!
Hey Guys it's me!! I haven't been here in a while but I thought I might start out my new welcome with a new pic of moi! With kind of strawberry blonde hair hehe :p
Yea, i have two ex's/boy toys named Ryan! One I liked for 5 years (that was a sure mistake). And the other I met in the Dominican Republic on vaca and boy did I have a good time! hehe :animwink:
Hey everybody I thought I would contribute to this lovely thread with another pic of myself. Here's me in front of Spaceship Earth (I'm the blonde on the right).