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  1. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    gerarar still going strong after all this time! And I'm assuming you've added Tiana VQ stats to your plate?
  2. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Key word: "Posted." Could say 45 minutes but really it's 20 minutes. A ride not too far from Tron is notorious for wait-time inflation (hint: Walt original). EDIT: Never mind, just saw video of the long line outside Tron from Blog Mickey lol Disney did not think through the potential acronyms...
  3. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Wow!! Us getting group 2 this morning with you saying the queue lasted 4.181 seconds is impressive
  4. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Forgot to give an update! Too busy Disney’ing lol. We got group 63 and ILL for 6:20pm. Since we were flying in, we obviously missed our window, but when we finally tapped in at 6:10pm, they let us through no questions asked. Surprised me, knowing the supposed strictness! And with ILL, we rode it...
  5. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Flying in tomorrow. We're gonna try the VQ and ILL for Tron after about 5-6 years of waiting for this ride!
  6. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    My illusion from several months ago that you physically timed the queues is broken 🙃😭
  7. Linkperez

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    I would hope so too. My family's visiting soon, and we usually don't feel interested in really-long standbys. I'll discuss with them, but maybe we'll tolerate Guardians since there's not that many rides in EPCOT
  8. Linkperez

    News TRON Lightcycle Run Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Are they still being strict about the 1-hour return window, no matter if it's morning, afternoon, or night?
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