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  1. Q

    Spider Problems??

    My sister-in-law heard a rumor that All Star Movies is having a big problem with spiders all over the place after the recent hurricanes. (and maybe some story about a snake too???:rolleyes: ) We are leaving in 5 days and she is freaked! Can anyone confirm or deny? Thanks!
  2. Q

    Can someone please spoil Haunted Mansion for me?

    I have read several threads about Haunted Mansion and haven't gotten exactly what I'm looking for. We are taking a 2 and 4 year old and I've read about the "streching rooms" . What are they exactly? What happens? I want to be able to prepare my little ones for the "unexpected" so that they...
  3. Q

    Birthday Girl or not?

    We are going to be there November 3-10th and my daughter's birthday is a couple days after we go back. We are going with an extended group of family and friends.. (13 people total , 5 kids !) and I was hoping to pick a day to "celebrate" her birthday while we are there. I have heard about so...
  4. Q

    Princesses take time to call !

    The Girls will be sooo excited.. what a wake up call! I just scheduled three calls to go out to my daughter, my neice and our friend.... (all 3 years old ) on the morning we are all flying out. (November 3rd) It will be a surprise to each of them! I am curious to see what you find out. I...
  5. Q

    The dreaded double stroller

    We are going in a couple weeks and are borrowing my friends Peg perego Aria twin... We have borrowed it for almost every big trip we go on. It is sooo easy and light weight. I would recommend it over most others!! We have the Eddie Bauer Double stroller and I don't like it. It is...
  6. Q

    Little Known Facts

    This is along the lines of the earlier thread "Ride Info and Phrases"... I am in the same position, we have a large group going the first week od November and I would like to do the same type Emails to get everyone excited. I was hoping to get some interesting facts or side-notes for people to...
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