Search results

  1. E

    What's your favorite WDW parade of all time ???

    No contest, that would be the Main Street Electrical Parade. That was the first one I saw as a kid, and that music just has a way of permanently getting stuck on an infinite loop in your head.
  2. E

    Free Diners - Where you eating?

    The battle plan for our September vacation will be: 1. Cinderella's Royal Table for breakfast - tough assignment but since it is just the two of us, it should go OK. 2. Jiko - never been but it seems awesome. 3. Le Cellier - Never been again probably because I'm Canadian. The menu says...
  3. E

    Sig Dining, Dinner Show Poll...

    The wife and I love the California Grill especially when we get Dale as a server. It usually is a can't miss although I will miss the flatbreads. Those were so good.
  4. E

    Bring Food back from WDW...

    I always stop at the Main Street Confectionery and pick up some candy to bring back to all the Nieces & Nephews. Nothing like giving them all a sugar rush.
  5. E

    how many more days for you?

    98 Hours left!!!:) Until then, back to focusing on work :(
  6. E

    Romance in Disney

    I alway find that a nice dinner at the California Grill timed with the fireworks show is alway a good bet. The cost might hit the wallet hard depending on what you have, but the view and atmosphere up there cannot be beat.
  7. E

    If you could upgrade ??

    My wife would kill me for saying this, but I would go for the Poly. I don't relax easily, and this is the one resort that gets me to do that. Just laying on the beach by Tahiti and watching the ferry go to MK. So nice. My wife would go for the GF instead. Either one is a sure hit, but...
  8. E

    Whats your favourite restaurant in WDW?

    Our favorite restaurant is the California Grill. We eat there everytime we are at the world. It's always a great meal, and Dale is the best waiter we have ever had. I hope he is there when we go back in September. We are also trying the Artist Point for the first time, and have high hopes...
  9. E

    Honeymoon Help

    This not necessarily an event, but for our honeymoon at the World I surprised my wife with a flower delivery. They came to our room while we were out for the day and set up a dozen white roses in a Cinderella vase with a small plush Mickey. It was a really big hit with her.
  10. E

    Buying Discount Tickets - Anyone Ever used these sites?

    I also usually buy from Disney, but in February 2004 I used TicketMania. I ordered a 3 Day Park Hopper, and had no problems with the passes. They were a great company to deal with, I got exactly what I ordered in a timely fashion. I would definitely use them again. Hope this helps.
  11. E

    Does your spouse love Disney?

    My DW loves Disney, but she's not into it as much as I am. I come home almost everyday to tell her what's new at the World. The nice part is she always listens to all my babbling. No wonder I love her so much! Another nice thing is that her father lives in Tampa which makes it very...
  12. E

    So out of curiousity on your trip where have you booked for breakfast, lunch , etc.?

    Where to begin...we're 45 days away and we are going to the following: California Grill, Crystal Palace, Kona Cafe, Hollywood Brown Derby (1st time), Alfredo's, Artist Point (1st time) & Cinderella's Royal Table. Yikes, you can tell we're on the dining plan. There goes the diet, I should gain...
  13. E

    Polynesian Longhouses Help

    Thanks for all the info, it looks like that after studying Tikiman's website (awesome site!!!) we are going to request a room in Fiji on the 3rd floor. Sleepybear you might get lucky by the end of October. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  14. E

    Polynesian Longhouses Help

    I need some help with our September trip to the Polynesian. I just found out that our favorite longhouse, Tahiti, will be getting some TLC when where there. Also, our 2nd & 3rd choices (Tokelau & Rapa Nui) are also getting some TLC. My wife is heartbroken, and we don't know what building to...
  15. E

    under 100 days to go....!!! Anyone else?

    We are now on day 96 before our trip!!! I can hardly contain myself. I'm trying to figure out ways to make the time go faster. I'm even calling my wife everyday, and asking her to guess what number I'm thinking of right now. She always gets it right, go figure. Less than 8,294,400 seconds...
  16. E

    Friends say too old for Disney?!?!?!

    I'm 32, my wife is 41, and we both love going to WDW. We both have had horrible years, and we know there are wonderful places to visit in the world (Paris, London, etc), but what we want right now is to go to Disney. There is nothing I love more that strolling on <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns...
  17. E

    New Discounted DreamMaker pkg coming out (8/17/04)

    Got my reservation for 4 adults at WL-Woods View changed from $338 to $203 with tax using Florida code. Suprising my Father in Law who lives in the Tampa area for his B-Day with a quick stay, and Birthday dinner at California Grill!!! Can't wait!!!
  18. E

    50 days to go/October Roll Call

    Going from Oct 14th to the 15th. We were only supposed to go to Tampa, but I was able to get one day to celebrate my birthday and my father in law's. Wish we could do more, but considering I've added dinner at CG, MNSSHP on the 14th, and now our first stay at Wilderness Lodge, I can't...
  19. E

    How many of you married people

    Dream Honeymoon My wife and I were married on December 28th, 2002, and left for our 10 day/9 night honeymoon at the Grand Floridian on January 1st. It took me ages to fully plan this trip. I had all kinds of spreadsheets tracking all the priority seatings, resevations etc. We were picked up...
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