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  1. sweet7696

    DW Now Offering Special Gifts For Pets

    Well, if you get a chance, email me some pictures! I'd love to see them!! =o) Jess
  2. sweet7696

    DW Now Offering Special Gifts For Pets

    Tenny317 Thank you! Kylie is a yorkie/maltese mix that rules the roost around here. LOL! We are getting her half sister (a little maltese puppy - they have the same mommy) Veruca in two weeks! I will definitely need to spoil them with goodies from this new store! Jess
  3. sweet7696

    DW Now Offering Special Gifts For Pets

    This is so exciting! I have one little princess (and another coming home in two weeks) that could use some disney themed stuff.. I'll have to save up extra spending money just for that store! Jess
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