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  1. G

    News Disney Characters Say Tourists Inappropriately Touched Them

    Hello, everyone and Happy New Year! A lot of people do not think when they are around Disney Characters and get really excited and want to get extremely hands on, I have to deal with this almost every day with Goofy, people really like to pull on his nose. One day someone walked up and grabbed...
  2. G

    Tipping The Disney Characters

    Hello! It’s still the same, we are only allowed to accept gifts
  3. G

    Tipping The Disney Characters

    You’re not even kidding! It’s not cheap living in Orlando, let alone the college program dorms!
  4. G

    FaceTime and Character Integrity

    Plus, I would have to give them a quick hand clap before getting mad at them, it would be very difficult to time it just right (One person with Goof in one area, and the other person with Goof in another area).
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    FaceTime and Character Integrity

    Oh lord I understand now ... God forbid that happens, but I’ve had trainers tell me stories of how some people attempt it, and their time with the characters ends really fast, I don’t understand why someone would want to ruin that for the other guest
  6. G

    FaceTime and Character Integrity

    Hello, first of all they know that we talk to people outside of the parks about this stuff, as long as we’re not revealing company secrets we’re okay talking to people about advice when entering the parks, it’s not the end of the world telling people we hang out with characters. They appreciate...
  7. G

    Tipping The Disney Characters

    Yes, we are never allowed to accept tips, it will always be refused. And we can accept gifts as long as it is a small value. Gifts are the absolute best! I have received many gifts from people, one gift actually made me cry while out on set, very difficult to cry and perform with Goofy at the...
  8. G

    FaceTime and Character Integrity

    Hello, I’m a performer for Disney World! yes the attendant would attempt to cut the interaction short in the nicest way possible. Just a heads up though, they like to be called CHARACTER ATTENDANTS, not handlers. Saying handlers is really demeaning towards them, they’re a character attendant...
  9. G

    FaceTime and Character Integrity

    Yes, everyone in Entertainment is trained to only say that there is only 1 Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, etc... for one, if there’s a kid around it will ruin the Magic for them, plus we can get in huge trouble if we’re caught telling people the truth, hope this helps!
  10. G

    FaceTime and Character Integrity

    I’ve had two families walk up with FaceTime rolling and Goofy got to say hey to the family or friends on the other side of the phone, it’s fun if it’s only for a few moments and not too long, if it’s too long, our character attendant (PLEASE DON’T CALL THEM OUR HANDLERS) will try to explain to...
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