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  1. splashfanatic

    I need some help, Imagineers!

    Please... I just asked my teacher today, and I can use a female or a male Imagineer for my interview. If you can help me at all, please e-mail me. I'm desperate! Michelle :)
  2. splashfanatic

    I need some help, Imagineers!

    Hi everyone, I'm doing a project in my Chemistry class which involves finding a scientific career, finding someone with the same gender as mine (female) to interview, and writing a paper. Since being an Imagineer is the only "scientific career" that I would be interested in, I need your help...
  3. splashfanatic

    Candlelight Narrators??? 2004???

    I will also be in the choir! :wave: I can't wait! I wondered who would be the narrator at the time I will be there, and it will be Steven Curtis Chapman (I'm will be in the program either the 18th or 19th, but I will be at WDW December 17-20. Finally my dream to sing at WDW has come true...
  4. splashfanatic

    Must-do list for World Showcase?

    I suggest going to lunch at the Biergarten in Germany. They have the best Black Forest Cake in the world! Also, definitely go on the Maelstrom in Norway. It's a great ride to go on in the afternoon when it's really hot outside. Michelle :)
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