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    Im Going Through Major Withdrawl!!

    i havent been to Disney World since 4/1/04!!!! ahh i need mickey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    who's part of the movie club?

    i am and i wanted to know what movies you would recomend getting now as opposed to late cause i dont want movies to come and go before i can get them
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    My friend is at Disney World right now

    and im jealous of her i want to be in MGM smelling Tower of Terror and have to wait in line for rockin' roller coaster! hmmm
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    Should Disney Be Allowed to Alter "Tigger" Costume Evidence for Court Trial?

    ya the whole tigger thing i guess in some ways it surprises me but in some ways it doesnt but no matter what disney isnt above the law and they cant tamper with evidence. I think they have a better fighting chance if they DON'T change the costume... that would be sad if "tigger" was accused of...
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    De-Lovely Anybody?

    How many people have seen the new movie De-Lovely?? I have and it was a great movie. It is also an MGM movie. Do you think there will be something related to De-Lovely at MGM Studios in florida??
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    Eisner's Improvements Of WDW

    Epcot was supposed to be something different than what all the other "theme parks" in the world had and Walt designed it so people would come and see what the world is doing in the future and not just another "theme park.
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    Kids on Chains

    i agree it is horrible to see a kid on a leash and there are plenty other ways to keep controll of your kids... i bet 99% of the parents you asked would say that their parents didnt put them on a leash
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    shoule Eisner be head of disney?

    i along with many people strongly dislike the current head of disney and i think that ben and jerry should be head of it what do you think?
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    WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests

    hmm im glad we stay on topic... ok yes feet are not the most pleasent thing to see or smell for that matter but when your in Walt Disney World I'm not looking down I'm looking up at all the buildings and attractions... i dont focus on peoples feet... idk maybe thats just me... THe WooD
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