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  1. Corryn

    you KNOW you're a Disney snob when...

    This year we just stayed home and enjoyed the day with friends. We had no fireworks so me and my girlfriend piled the kids in the car and drove around the neighborhood. When we found a consistent display, we stopped, parked and watched and my daughter said, Mom, put your Illuminations CD in...
  2. Corryn

    Pirates (o.t.C.)License Plate FRAME???

    Hello, Does anyone know if there is a License Plate Frame being sold at The Pirates of the Caribbean? I know they sell the actual plate, but how about the frame? Thank you :)
  3. Corryn

    Epcot's 25th Ideas

    I agree - And dont' forget the Padded Headrests! (That would make SSE THE best relaxation attraction on a hot, humid afternoon).
  4. Corryn

    Epcot's 25th Ideas

    BRING BACK TAPESTRY OF NATIONS PARADE!!! - I listen to that CD in my car every morning (very relaxing in traffic!) and I just loved that parade (way-la, de-la de-la,heyheyhey, o way-la way.....). EPCOT is my favorite park, but I think the reason why they have made a big MumboJumbo of it is...
  5. Corryn

    Holday Homes in Orlando, Is It Worth It??

    Holy cow! Me and my husband were getting serious and looking at MLS listings of condos down there to purchase and rent out using a management company. We do not know anyone who has done exactly that, but reading these posts has made me feel like its not such a Sure Thing, like the different...
  6. Corryn


    me, too, thanks :)
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