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  1. N

    Len Testa Crowd Analysis

    While this thread is making me stress some about my upcoming trip in 2 days, I am glad it is being discussed and is leading me to lower my expectations so that I am not as disappointed when I get to WDW. Will the discussion and those that read it lead to change on the part of Disney? Doubtful...
  2. N

    Len Testa Crowd Analysis

    That was something that crossed my mind too. I read some reports/posts either here or on disboards about how many headline attractions were down for much of the day during many days in Jan and Feb and wondered if it had anything to do with disgruntled employees. Splash just went through a...
  3. N

    Len Testa Crowd Analysis

    Are you saying on one hand that Disney was fully booked and so, duh, that time was not slow but that it was ok for them to reduce staffing because it was a slow time? There are 2 messages I hear alot - that there are NO MORE SLOW times and that it s is OK for Disney to staff less for slow...
  4. N

    New here.

    Ha Ha! Hope your trip goes great!
  5. N

    New here.

    Oh, interesting. I didn't think there would be a forum for that, not that there shouldn't be, just didn't expect it. I found things like: Disney should, or should not, just think about maximizing profits..... on the other board. I didn't like those type of topics because they were very...
  6. N

    New here.

    I feel dumb asking this but you are talking Disney politics not government politics (unless it is a cross over with something like Trump in the Hall of Presidents,etc...)? Not having scoped out this forum much, I don't know what you guys get into .
  7. N

    New here.

    What are some examples? I usually try to steer clear of those types of things.
  8. N

    New here.

    Thank you too for your review but oh no, now it doesn't seem as clear as to if I should cancel or not! I will read your link post. You are all so nice with the advice!
  9. N

    New here.

    Thanks for the SW review - that helps! I think I am going to cancel both. I am sure they are of value for some, but they don't seem worth it for me and my daughter.
  10. N

    New here.

    You can't stake out a spot in the hub 2 hours early? I thought I had read about people doing that? To clarify, I am considering finding a standby spot 2 hours early instead of doing the party. What I meant in my initial question post was that it seems like you need to arrive at the party...
  11. N

    New here.

    I looked for something like that but obviously missed it! I guess I need to wear my glasses more. Thanks!
  12. N

    New here.

    Thank you and here is to hoping this March is awesome at WDW!
  13. N

    New here.

    Good to know!
  14. N

    The Flu 😷

    I like colloidal/ionic silver for many infectious diseases and for food poisoning, UTIs, etc.... Have had treated my family and pets with it with great success. When I travel, I always take a few ounces of it with me as well as a generator which is very small. The problem sometimes is...
  15. N

    New here.

    Thanks! Cute pic.
  16. N

    New here.

    Thank you, I hope you enjoy your March trip! What are your dates? Mine are the 16th to the 23rd. Hope it isn't too much of a madhouse then. It will just be me and my daughter so it shouldn't be too hard to navigate around or to please everyone in my small party. I am mostly looking...
  17. N

    New here.

    Well, I am debating on whether doing the dessert parties is going to save any time. It seems like you still may want to start lining up to get in around 2 hours before the event if you want to get a premium viewing spot. I think Shannon from WDW prep school recommended to get to the parties...
  18. N

    New here.

    Hello All, Just introducing myself. I have been to WDW in 2015 with little planning and am now going this March and have done much more planning. Part of my planning was going to another board/forum site and while helpful I found it clicky and many there judgmental. I don't want to call...
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