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  1. Darth_Wes

    Swearing in the parks, have you experienced this?

    I'm ashamed to admit that I have personally tossed out a swear word at WDW. Not very often, but generally when someone cuts in line or runs into me for not watching where they're going. I do my best to not do so when kids are around.
  2. Darth_Wes

    Ever had an accident at WDW?

    I've had two dumb accidents at WDW. The first was about 3 years ago in the Animal Kingdom Parking Lot. My daughter and I were walking to the vehicle, and like a idiot, I was reviewing some of the pics on my phone from the day's adventure while walking. In other words, not paying attention to...
  3. Darth_Wes

    Worst hotel room view in all of Disney World?

    We had a similar view a few years ago, and we were on concierge level. Didn't sweat it too much as we spent very little time in the room.
  4. Darth_Wes

    When will Disney finally build another resort in the United States if ever?

    They already have. Aulani Resort, Hawaii is a Disney resort in, already see where. While it's not theme park based, they do have a man made reef and other stuff.
  5. Darth_Wes

    What if Disney went dry......

    I enjoy having drinks in the park. The Baseline taphouse is one of my favorite stops in WDW. That being said, it's not a deal breaker, but I would prefer it to stay. Epcot and HS are my favorite parks because of the access to a good beer every now and then.
  6. Darth_Wes

    DHS So what's your plan for visiting GE for the first time?

    Arriving at the Cabins of Ft Wildnerness on the 26th and staying through the 30th. Hoping for a soft opening a day or so before, so I don't have to fight crowds on 29th...but we'll see. Not doing rope in central time zone of Florida panhandle, so I'm not getting up at 2am my time to...
  7. Darth_Wes

    OK, I'll Admit it...Disney Prices Are Out Of Control

    Over the last 5 years, I have probably spent over $40k at WDW. As APs who live in Florida, we have gone to the parks a minimum of 3 to 5 times every year since being APs. We usually stay for 4 days or more each time and drop almost 3 grand easy. The average profit that Disney makes from us is...
  8. Darth_Wes

    News Annual Pass price increases June 2019

    They announced to AP 3 days before the increase that they would be a sneak preview of GE for Platinum, Platinum plus, and Premium Passholders. They had a plan in place. I was going to upgrade mine from Silver to Platinum just to get that sneak preview...then this occurred. Now I won't even be...
  9. Darth_Wes

    DHS So what changes will we see at DHS GE based on DL GE?

    This entire thread is quite the sociological phenomenon. The OP asked about potential differences between GE at DL versus WDW, and 6 pages in and the entire discussion has primarily focused on how crappy the milk may or may not be, and food options. HAHAHAHA.
  10. Darth_Wes

    A rant against Disney Profiteers

    I say if there is a demand for it, and someone is willing to pay for it, it's none of my business. I'm an AP, I've been to a few hard ticket exclusive events. Personally, I would never sell anything we've gotten as they are tied to family memories. On the buyer's side, I for one, think it's...
  11. Darth_Wes

    Annual Passholder: Bus vs. Driving to Parks

    I read a book a few years back....well, I have read a few since then, but this particular book is applicable to this conversation. There is a distinction between good profit and bad profit in business. Bad profit refers to charges that a company may impose that causes some harm or distaste to...
  12. Darth_Wes

    Annual Passholder: Bus vs. Driving to Parks

    Actually, that would have been easier for me to take over the charge for parking, and oh, I am still going to the parks, but the difference is that they are losing about $1800 worth of additional revenue from me four times per year as a result of there idiocy. You do realize that they weren't...
  13. Darth_Wes

    Annual Passholder: Bus vs. Driving to Parks

    Since they started charging for parking at the resorts, we will only stay off property. Currently enjoying our 3rd trip as I write this since they started charging for parking. That's about 3000 to 4000 bucks per year that they no longer receive from me because of that choice.
  14. Darth_Wes

    How often do you go to Disney?

    We have been going 3 to 4 times per year, but since our 11 yr old has about outgrown the excitement that is about to end. We are currently at WDW as I write this...
  15. Darth_Wes

    Toy Story Land - the Landlocked Land

    It is also my understanding that traffic flowing into GE will be one way....with the exit coming through TSL.
  16. Darth_Wes

    Drunkest Day at Disney

    Can't say that I've been hammered, but I do have an extremely high tolerance compared to a large portion of the population. When we are in Epcot or DHS, we drink ALL day....and I mean from entrance to exit. We rarely pass a place the has beer or slushie drink without grabbing one. The heat...
  17. Darth_Wes

    People who drive to WDW, how do you choose to get to the parks?

    We live in the Florida panhandle and always drive to WDW. Typically, if we are staying on property, we never use our car unless we need to run to the store for something that's not offered at the resorts or is just too expensive on property. We generally use the bus system to get to the parks...
  18. Darth_Wes

    News Spaceship Earth closing early each day next week for planned maintenance

    Based on some of the recent vids I've seen, this is probably spot on.
  19. Darth_Wes

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    I'm good. Just being a smart a$$. It's funny how things can be taken so many different ways when written.
  20. Darth_Wes

    News Rafiki's Planet Watch is closing Oct. 21st will reopen in Summer 2019

    Sorry I didn't have the time to comb through the entire WDW forum prior to posting this rumor. I actually heard this from a recent source on Youtube and thought it relevant to the conversation. I'll remember my place next time and ensure that I spend a few hours searching the threads prior to...
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