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  1. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Spaceship Earth refurbishment coming soon?

    First I've heard of PG. Glad it didn't happen too!
  2. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Spaceship Earth refurbishment coming soon?

    Am I correct in assuming that the track will pretty much never be changed? I can't image the cost of ripping it out and putting in a coaster for example...
  3. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Test Track to be reimagined

    Very cool chart, thanks for sharing! A few surprises in there for sure.
  4. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Test Track to be reimagined

    I would've had Horizons, Figment, and Maelstrom ahead of WOM in terms of popularity, personally. But, it's been a long time and my memory has gotten a bit fuzzy!
  5. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Test Track to be reimagined

    I think a lot of people are setting their expectations low, but secretly hope they blow our minds like they did with Cosmic *slowly raises hand*
  6. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Test Track to be reimagined

    I have a vivid childhood memory of the beginning of the ride.. "Why the hell is this thing going outside, that's weird". But it's moving soooo slow. As a kid, it gave me the same feeling as being in a department store. It's better than being at home, it's close to the fun stuff, but it's...
  7. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Test Track to be reimagined

    What's the best guess on what this will look like on the inside when finished? Same track, but with World of Motion style props and vehicles?
  8. Bill in Atlanta

    NYTimes - The Palace Coup at the Magic Kingdom

    Petting the hippo while the board is freaking out over a few pennies in EPS sounds exactly like something... dare I say... Walt himself would have done. Chapek/Iger reminds me a lot of Conan/Leno. It's like, if you're the old guy and it's in your heart to stay until they force you out, then...
  9. Bill in Atlanta

    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    I'm kinda with you, but I see both sides. We've found ourselves booking more table service meals lately just to be able to sit and decompress for a while. But once that meal is over, it's back to the nonstop action for us.
  10. Bill in Atlanta

    MK Cars-Themed Attractions at Magic Kingdom

    We're traveling west, through the great American frontier, we continue on into the forests of the American Northwest, and finally arrive at Villians Land aka ..... Seattle? 😄
  11. Bill in Atlanta

    EPCOT Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind attraction confirmed for Epcot

    I was reading old posts from around the soft opening, and this is the one I disagree with the most. I'm convinced the slingshot around the moon is a top-3 coolest effect in all of WDW history, and I've been going since the early 80s! I was also amused that most of the posts from around that...
  12. Bill in Atlanta

    Cosmic Rewind at WDW

    I didn't. It's the best ride I've ever been on. Between this and Tron, the whole visit to WDW feels different (in a good way) now.
  13. Bill in Atlanta

    Disney Passes on Bluey Theme Park Rights?

    Late to the party but I'm with @AndrewC on this one. There's an emotional connection that Bluey builds with the audience unlike any other kids show I've seen. I'm extremely confident our kids will be showing their kids Bluey one day.
  14. Bill in Atlanta

    Will a fifth gate ever be built at WDW?

    Fair point More attractions (via a new park) would help to alleviate this
  15. Bill in Atlanta

    Will a fifth gate ever be built at WDW?

    There would be slight growth in the total # of visitors, just to see the new park. But let's say the new park brought in nobody new, and just cannibalized from MK/EP/HS/AK. Taking a few people from each of those parks and putting them into a new park allows more freedom of movement/spending...
  16. Bill in Atlanta

    Will a fifth gate ever be built at WDW?

    Same thing I've said before... MK 1971 EP 1982 HS 1989 AK 1998 I'd say we're overdue! Do they have the land? Yes. Would people go? Yes. Would it make money? Yes. What's the problem again?
  17. Bill in Atlanta

    Extended Evening Hours and DVC Points

    They are included, and they are spectacular.
  18. Bill in Atlanta

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    I'm as right wing as anyone on this site (see: half my posts from 2020-2021 were deleted by mods because I opposed lockdowns that much). I believe the Parents Rights in Education bill was common sense and Disney made a mistake in slamming it. All that said, any use of state power to enact...
  19. Bill in Atlanta

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    Judge dismisses Disney lawsuit against DeSantis, others Breaking now
  20. Bill in Atlanta

    Spaceship in Spaceship Earth

    Ah, I see now. Also wanted to add, just after the graduation caps, if you continue looking over your left shoulder it appeared to me last week there may be some other artifacts from old scenes showing. There were other riders so I couldn’t get a flash photo. If anyone is going soon I’d be...
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