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  1. Pete Lucia

    MNSSHP and MVMCP 2016 prices released I couldn't have said it any better. Travelling from over 1000 miles away, we can't wait to get to WDW. Prices go up but we aren't going to let a $10, $20 or more increase stop us from enjoying ourselves...
  2. Pete Lucia

    Disney After Hours Event

    A lot of schools, at least here in the Northeast also take the week after Easter as their "spring break". That would put the "crowds" through the 12th.....I was there!
  3. Pete Lucia

    Disney After Hours Event

    It's really not a fair comparison. Last year Easter was in April, that is probably why the hours were later. Much more crowded. This year Easter is in March, the overflow crowds should be gone by the event dates in April.
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