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  1. mrerk

    Trip Report Our 19-Day Mediterranean Adventure – Greece, Turkey and the Search for Free Wifi

    I'm going to have to agree with the General on this one. "Outfit" just doesn't sound right. The Coliseum looks amazing. I can't imagine how spectacular it must have been in its heyday. Great job as usual, Tammy. Keep it coming.
  2. mrerk

    random question...

    True, but if you are going to try to grow a tree, why not from a Disney acorn? I think it would be a cool idea.
  3. mrerk

    Resort Entertainment At WDW.

    I think the harpist is at V&A's
  4. mrerk

    How to get this home???

    That will definitely have to be in you checked baggage, no ifs, ands or buts. My son bought a walking stick at AK. Since it was too long to fit in the luggage we ended up driving to the UPS Store just outside Celebration and shipping it. Like someone else said it cost more to ship it home than...
  5. mrerk

    I’ve got a Valentine’s Date at Disney!

    Sorry I'm so late to the party. Thoroughly enjoying your trip reports. Can't wait to find out what happened to your Mom. So, where did you get the Oreo bon bons? Didn't that used to be a Cape May thing?
  6. mrerk

    Starbucks locations in HS and AK?

    Probably half candy and half merchandise. And I agree, leave Starring Rolls alone.
  7. mrerk

    Really wet MK 8/18 with power outages

    Reminds me of a visit to Uni many years ago. The registers went down. The restaurant manager comes over and tells the cashier to go get the "emergency kit". She goes out back and comes back with a metal box. She opens it up and inside is a pencil, a pad of paper and a calculator. True story.
  8. mrerk

    Maid caught stealing at All-Star resorts

    That is too funny! :hilarious:
  9. mrerk

    Disney Cruise FAQ's

    Worked for me. Thanks Tammy.
  10. mrerk

    Disney Cruise FAQ's

    Is there someplace to get a copy of the insurance plan? The link on page 1 seems to be dead.
  11. mrerk

    Parking at Beach club for Cape May, then walking to Epcot

    Just like the Poly and Contemporary. ;) Just wondering if the GFV will be gated. The potential for parking abuse would seem to be high there.
  12. mrerk

    Trip Report The Returning "Home" for 14.5 days to restore order to Disney World Trip Report

    Speaking of chicken, I don't see PH on your itinerary.
  13. mrerk

    Question about Disney stock certificate

    Disney would have issued a new certificate for the difference. If the original certificate was in your name you should have got a new one reflecting the additional shares. If it was in your parents name they would have got it. Are you getting the quarterly reports or does your Mom get them...
  14. mrerk

    What to do when you don't have enough points...

    You can only borrow one years worth of points. To use 3 years worth of points you would have had to have banked your 2012 points, use your current year (2013) points and borrow from your 2014 points.
  15. mrerk

    Air Conditioning at OKW

    The AC at OKW is a central unit, like what would be in your home. All you see inside the room is the vents.
  16. mrerk

    sinkhole in the parks

    I thought that was Minnesota? :confused:
  17. mrerk

    Magic Kingdom Bus Loop expansion

    It's not bad once you learn your way around. The purple signs don't always bring you the quickest way. I can get around faster in my rental in most instances.
  18. mrerk

    Magic Kingdom Bus Loop expansion

    Where is the Golden Oak stop?
  19. mrerk

    Magic Kingdom Bus Loop expansion

    I spent about an hour waiting to pick up someone at Logan Airport and saw quite a few of these pass through. They really didn't seem to take turns any wider than the non articulated busses.
  20. mrerk

    Caribbean Beach: Can you see Spaceship Earth from the resort ?

    It really not that far. The closest parts of the resort are right across Buena Vista Dr from Italy and Germany.
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