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  1. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Yeah it's in the 70s at 6am here too. But today I am delighted to report that I found a nearby neighborhood that is a 3 minute drive away which isn't nearly as hilly as mine! I intend to do my long runs there until I can safely return to the lake trail. It was a lovely albeit hot 6.25 miles...
  2. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    I can generally get 500+ miles on my running shoes before I start to notice weird aches and pains.
  3. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Hi guys. Been MIA I know. But I'm still running. Temps are up in the 90s by day in Texas but if I get out early they're in the 70s. Keeping up my practice of 3-4 miles twice during the week, and 6-8m on the weekend. Wish I could get back to the flatter trail around the lake instead of my...
  4. JillC LI

    Universal Studios help for 2021

    Two full days is likely enough, but if you do one day per park, be aware that you will not be able to ride the Hogwarts Express between the parks.
  5. JillC LI

    Safe to go Early June?

    Yes I am. Without a vaccine or a treatment, I will not go again. I will not do a lot of things again. I have a compromised immune system, and I would rather (sadly) live without theme parks than possibly not live at all if that is my choice. Thankfully, the research is promising on a vaccine...
  6. JillC LI


    Depends what you mean by "happen". Open? Maybe. Open in the way you anticipated when you booked the trip? Absolutely not. Decide what you are willing to pay for and not get.
  7. JillC LI

    Safe to go Early June?

    I agree about the airplane but wouldn't even book the parks until there is definitive word of a vaccine being available.
  8. JillC LI

    Trip planning with everything going on..

    Not until there is definitive word of vaccine availability.
  9. JillC LI

    Dining plan thoughts?

    For our family of four, yes, but price it for yourself is what everyone will tell you.
  10. JillC LI

    Breakfast at HS

    And the smores sandwich here is phenomenal but I don't know if they do a gluten free version.
  11. JillC LI

    How much of Disney World has to be open for you to go?

    This. When there is either a treatment or a vaccine, and the parks are operating at 100%, then I will pay 100%. I also have no interest in getting 50% of what I used to get even for 50% of the price. It's all or nothing for me.
  12. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    I'm still here, not that you'd know it! Nice job keeping up the good work everyone. I'm still muddling through running in my hilly neighborhood and hating it, but still getting out there (or using the TM) until I can go back to somewhat flatter trails.
  13. JillC LI

    Christmas week

    We were there December 19-24, 2018. Yes it got very crowded in the parks as the day progressed. But we got to each park well before opening each day, had a (flexible) plan, made smart use of FP+s and ADRs, and we were able to ride everything we wanted and then some. This was pre-Star Wars so...
  14. JillC LI

    Worth the hype?/Unpopular Opinion

    Loved the princess experience at Akershus but all four of us hated the food.
  15. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Past few days have been low of 70 and high of 90. I am NOT ready for summer temps yet. Decided it was no longer safe to run the lake trail as of last week which means I'm relegated to my hilly neighborhood which really hurts my hips. Looks like I'll be doing my short runs outdoors and my...
  16. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Haven't had a chance to check in for awhile. I'm doing fine. I already worked from home so no change there, but now DH is home all day too, and DD is taking college classes online from home so it's not as quiet as usual. But I'm delighted to her her home because she just started running with...
  17. JillC LI

    Best memories from your first trip?

    My first trip was at age 8 and I only remember a few things - If You Had Wings being the highlight. I didn't return until I was 38 with my own kids ages 5 and 7, and I remember every moment of that trip. Some of the highlights include DS's reaction to Tower of Terror, the kids' excitement over...
  18. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    Healthy and back in the saddle again (er, the running shoes). Even the hip is feeling much better as long as I don't push the pace. Yay. 6m Saturday, 3.5 Monday and 3.5 Wednesday.
  19. JillC LI

    What did you do?

    7m and 4m runs last week and then got sick. Felt out of breath walking up the stairs. Did 3m on the TM yesterday really slow but still fighting this off. Congrats on the PR. My 5K PR is 28:52 so you beat me by 8 seconds. I'm no where close to that any more though. My days of trying to PR...
  20. JillC LI

    Visiting Universal Studios - how early should I plan?

    The main planning to do at Uni is to pick a relatively less crowded time of year, stay on property so you can get the EPs and early entry, and then take advantage of the early entry if you want to experience the Harry Potter rides. As for the rest, research what attractions appeal to you in...
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