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  1. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    oh, and btw, if we could somehow go with the original plan for imaginations, where it was multistory, that'd be cool... kind of like a climax in teh glass pyramids, sort of like SpE... and btw, the old imageworks is more or less still upstairs, if thats of use to anyone. like, somethings are...
  2. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    btw, fractal, i'm loving the songs and the walt portion you thot up :D
  3. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    and if anyone was wondering about a tie in story to go with the open house thing, eitehr figment may even run it, or he's the main thrust behind the scientific drive, so he has his own free rein, with everything he imagines to become reality..... sort of like an imaginary holodeck lol
  4. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    sorry i'm so late to this, guys, i had to finish a 50pg paper for school.... :D I'm with you fractal, the old EPCOT Center was my cup of tea; imagination, horizons, etc... i loved it. :) I love a lot of the ideas going here... I think we already seem to be heading somewhere with a theme. i...
  5. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    wow... an awesome project to get into! I see everyone's underway, i just have to take care of hw due tonight, and i'll jump in! :)
  6. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    dont worry chron! you've done well! I think it jsut happened to be the way this particular attraction is, and it's been difficult to think of anything! :D i'm driving all night, so i'll do what i can to create something... :wave:
  7. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    Hey guys, I know we've gotten somewhat underway, but i just thot of something that may make it humorous but still slightly scary; it's an i dea i had for another ride i've been working on, but it will most likely fit here. since we are thinking of doing the uv light/paint thing, and especially...
  8. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    I just wanted to bring to mind what hack sai on the main thread; its good for us to check out:
  9. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2--R1, Project 3

    Agreed! Hopefully it works! :D
  10. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    besides the fact i'm busy atm, I agree... that's why i've been a bit quiet atm. hmm....
  11. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    I aws looking at those, and i figured it just would hold. I do like philarmagic tho... that would be interesting. i like JC too! just gotta get moving! we should, i think we can! :D nah, i just take forever, and i didnt notice the new posts. i've been watching their thread ( i do for each...
  12. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    i love the voodoo idea of the JC.... i mentioend earlier we maybe could somehow involve superstitions and rituals from the various locales that the rivers represent.. or would that involve too much? as a sort of cruise through a mystical realm of each, where the guests dont realize they've...
  13. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    I see you jumped on all the other questions and ideas too, so we got ourselves rolling! I jsut realized a lot of talking was happening while i was writing, and we've already decided! XD
  14. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    Actually, you're right charlie. i think i got a little mixed on the haunted mansion there overall with teh view of teh town. i got the impression it was overall a ghost town. I still need to go there! :)
  15. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    Yes! I love it! Btw, Paris' frontierland is meant to be a showcase of the american west in the view of the europeans, so it was tied together as a boomtown that went south (becoming a ghosttown of sorts) it helped tie int eh haunted mansion, which is located there. a wealthy family discovers...
  16. mewhunter67

    WDI ImagiNation's Design Contest

    wow, really? that's cool! there's a decent number this year. not sure the exact amount, but it seems less than usual. well, i'd love to tell you what it was MEANT to be; lack of time, and a decision to hold off on big guns made us turn in a (IMO) inferior product. it took my team forever to...
  17. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    lol, like i said, i thot of you when i read it! XD maybe it'll just happen to work out that way lol
  18. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    Lol, i like them all! :) you're right, tom sawyers island is good, too! they do have the caves, and they're supposed to be haunted.... we could do a kind of haunted house thing, maybe? or a kind of hunt, you know, for the ghost of (wow, i blanked on the name, but the indian outlaw)? i must say i...
  19. mewhunter67

    WDI ImagiNation's Design Contest

    Yes! at least, it is, but they could always cancel. D: Its an official imagineering competition, held once a year. you can design ANYTHING; ride, attraction, restaurant, resort, park, or process (like new tech or effects, etc) i've even heard of a streamlined photo system and an airline. It's...
  20. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers PROJECT 3

    I just noticed you also mentioned pirates is obvious! I figured, it jsut was like, wow, that works! But, anyway... hmm, splash mountain would be a task! i wonder... ooh! maybe palying on teh ghost town at thunder mountain?
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