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  1. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 6!

    i dont think it died stitch, just got waylaid a bit... i actually have some really good ideas i just jotted down; i hope to hve them written and (maybe!) finally have som sketches for once (i want to... i'd like to have these ideas visualized! :D) later today! for now, i have to study for a...
  2. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 6!

    lesse... for the monorail, i know it's been an issue, but how that gets determined will depend on where the resort is located and how it will be connected to the line... I do like the idea of hiding it somewhat with roman achitecture like aqueducts and arches. i'm not really sure if theres any...
  3. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 6!

    thanks mater, thats what i wasnt sure about....
  4. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 6!

    i like the space idea too, charlie. an idea i had for a park was seperate lands (in this case areas) that are diff planets (not neccessarily real) they can be connected by wormholes or portals, that can be walked, or, in my favorite idea, connected by maglev trains that act as spacecraft...
  5. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 6!

    unfortunately, I haven't and won't be able to put much thot into this until later (i'm booked solid all weekend, starting now) but I like the countried, but I really like teh four elements idea chron just put forward... the dynamic elements would be awesome! wind powered objects like mobiles...
  6. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 5

    OMG! Really?! XD sorry, ir eally didn't know; i'll be brutally honest, I haven't seen the storytime... so, forgive me (sheepish grin) you ARE very correct, that would be confusing... thanks disneyson! :)
  7. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 5

    Belle's Friends! (Ok, this one is for my girlfriend, to be honest. :) I was trying to decide, and she came out of left field with this one, so I decided to go with it :)) This takes place with the belle's storytime MnG. Much like the Remy bot at the french restaurant, belle brings out a cart...
  8. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    Thanks! :D
  9. mewhunter67

    Chip and Dale's Imagineering Rangers- PROJECT 4

    lol! XD and that's why I think the public vote needs help! ;) it's ok, i woulda done the same had i not been in work all night :) good game tho! I liked yours!
  10. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- R1, Project 4

    to all the judges that decide to mention my edison part: I know :D lol. I was hurrying when i went thru it quick, and wrote down all the ideas i had for it, and it didn't get edited. I had a shortened version to use, but I guess i didnt convey that well enough and the team didnt get a chance...
  11. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    Btw, I jsut wanted to say guys, I apologize for not having been the most productive person on the team; I know I haven't really contributed much overall, and whenever I do, it tends to be at the last minute. No excuses, I'm bad at time management, which doesn't help when i go to school full...
  12. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    Ok, sorry bout the wait for my room; ibeen out all week, travelled back, and been working since i got back, so i've been trying to sneak all this together XD Invention room, scene: as the guests move into the room, they hear the echos of song from the previous room become drowned out by noises...
  13. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    sorry, i was out today guys; drove a 13 hour trip back home. just so i don't have to nitpick through each post, what exactly was the team looking for with the invention room (like basic theme, story, etc)? i know the host is edison (which i like, with da vinci, bell, the wrights, etc), and i...
  14. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    vacationer, a walt AA maybe some bit much... i like the portrait. if you think about it, and it's been mentioned, the historical figures are longer ago that they can be effectively used and no one will really mind. as well, they dont ahve such a big attachment, or will cause some of the guests...
  15. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    where exactly was jules verne ( i didnt want to go back and look :P)? he could do storytelling, or even some other great authors, such as poe, twain, etc... i see shakespeare more with show than writing (although, i do know he was a writer :D) oh, andi'm sorry, i didnt mean the character was...
  16. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    as for the narrating professor, I was given some advice that I believe would work well; we should go with a more grandfatherly-like figure, somewhat like the scientist from the Dinosaur Movie (We're Back!) He was very kind and wise, and had that spark of life to him, to be honest, he actually...
  17. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    i'd like inventions, if possible :) and i'm still liking progress...
  18. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    i like the overall idea here, but i really have to reiterate, I think we need some sort of interactivity. I mean, imagination is all about getting your hands dirty, creating, thinking, solving, being involved and active in some way.... OMG! what if we somehow used the imageworks at the end as a...
  19. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    I noticed something about there being an actualy institute, like teh franklin in philly; what exactly was that about? That'd be something cool to dive into :)
  20. mewhunter67

    Goofy's Brainstormers Project 4

    wow, i've posted alot in a short span... sorry, i was just thinking alot more about my snuck in ideas, about inciting people's imaginaions... i'm really liking it. i dunno, i jsut always felt that it somehow should be able to... maybe somehow we make it a dynamic sort of ride, affected my the...
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