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  1. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 1

    so many good ones... ... still thinking of my own. too much other things to worry bout! :P need to sit down and go with it :)
  2. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Practice Project 1

    Lol! I'll get working eventually, (a LOT of school work), but I must say, fantastic intro! I was laughing the whole time :)
  3. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer 2-- Sign Ups

    Ok, trevor-you convinced me! I understand I'll be on the waiting list, just let me know what's up!:lol: Mewhunter67
  4. mewhunter67

    The Imagineer - Now Hiring (Full Time)

    I just happened to stumble on this thread, (been to wdw magic a few times) and i'm curious, what is this competition? :D
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