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  1. MadMax11

    Need Advice from DL Veterans!

    It's not my trip to is my wife's and kids' though. We're on a schedule that only allows for 1 day at a Disney park. The trip is more about California than Disney.
  2. MadMax11

    Need Advice from DL Veterans!

    My family hits up WDW at least once every other year. We've been DVC owners (through my parents) since literally the day the program dad was told we were the 2nd family to ever buy in. We are taking a trip to the West Coast in June, and we're going to be staying a night at...
  3. MadMax11

    Need advice- which building for old key west?

    We like Turtle Pond area. As evidenced by my avatar. :)
  4. MadMax11

    FastPass Plus?

    I have a trip to California with my fam planned for next June...we will do one day at Disneyland. Any discussion or rumors about FP plus heading that way? Magic bands? From what I read now, it sounds like the old FP system is still in place there. Which honestly is fine with me, because I...
  5. MadMax11

    Quick service dining at old key west

    We stayed at the point farthest from the Hospitality House and Good's on our last trip in early June. I've stayed at OKW umpteen million times, and that's the first time I stayed in a building that far back. I ended up driving to the front everyday to go grab a cup of coffee while the rest of...
  6. MadMax11

    Boardwalk or Yacht Club

    We stayed at YC for the first time in June and loved it. I'd absolutely stay there again. All the attractions at the BW in the evenings are just a boat ride away, anyway.
  7. MadMax11

    What is your favorite "extinct" Disney ride/show?

    Without question....Horizons
  8. MadMax11

    Disney World Lounges.

    Ok, I've tried to avoid WDW Magic since I got back from WDW in June for fear of getting depressed that my next trip isn't planned...but I happened in and saw this thread...great story to tell: I got engaged at the Castle in March 1996 at King Stefan's. Cinderella comes out with the dessert...
  9. MadMax11

    Help me help the helpless!

    Provided they buy their tickets way out ahead of time. I used to wait to buy my tickets when I checked in. Can't do that anymore. My parents and other parts of my family waited, not knowing burned them. Lesson learned, but an expensive lesson regardless. I spend lots of time...
  10. MadMax11

    Ever seen someone famous while at wdw?

    I saw him on Twitter posting that he scored 999,999 on Buzz Lightyear! :)
  11. MadMax11

    Regretting my trip to Disney

    I'm from Houston, so I relish the fact that others leave the park because it's too hot and humid. It's like the freaking Briar Patch to me :)
  12. MadMax11

    Ever seen someone famous while at wdw?

    Great experience to share, and this seemed like the thread to do it. Went to Kimono's with my's a sushi bar inside the Swan hotel. My father used to sing with a big band and his voice mirrors Sinatra's; pretty amazing. So he likes to go over and sing at this spot sometimes in the...
  13. MadMax11

    Help me help the helpless!

    Went with older family and family that didn't buy tickets until they got wife and I bought tickets for us and for our 2 kids well before we left and had everything planned out. It was as if we went on 2 separate trips entirely. We spent nearly all our time in the park....the others...
  14. MadMax11

    Confusion about fastpass+ and 9 day ticket

    I think as long as both of your hotel reservations are on Disney properties it won't be an issue for you. The problem would be if you're splitting up your stay with a Disney hotel and an off-site hotel.
  15. MadMax11

    Yacht Club Newbie

    Stayed there for the first time a couple of weeks back and loved it. My family loves EPCOT, and the proximity was amazing. Quiet resort...great little store...the pool of course is amazing. We typically stay at OKW every time we go with vacation club points...and then spend a few nights at a...
  16. MadMax11

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    I leave my house heading to DisneyWorld in about 19 hours!!!
  17. MadMax11

    WDW music

    Attraction and area music...listening to Space Mountain music on d-cot right now at the office, actually.
  18. MadMax11

    Deluxe Resort Question

    I don't think YC has a quick service, does it?
  19. MadMax11

    WDWMagic Members Favorite Deluxe Resort

    I'm looking at the lounge (Crew Cup Lounge??) and thinking I'll be watching some NBA Finals games there :) Have you eaten there or stopped in for a drink? Seems nice from what I can see.
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