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  1. ZodIsGr8

    Update to TRex aquarium post from March

    I am not sure about the jelly fish one but the one where the picture is has been updated to my first picture with the 2 dinosaurs. Loved your pics by the way!
  2. ZodIsGr8

    Update to TRex aquarium post from March

    The first picture with the 2 little dinosaurs is now a rock garden and I assure you tibia where the original aquarium was that ruptured as I was here as it ruptured. I am not sure about how many aquariums were originally inside of TRex but now there is only the one at the bar area.
  3. ZodIsGr8

    Update to TRex aquarium post from March

    No cracks or anything like that. I could not take a picture as every table was occupied but foundation wise it looks good. I think it was just a faulty seal in the tank and rather than replace and take a chance of it happening again they said screw it and let's place more seating .
  4. ZodIsGr8

    Downtown Disney Construction Photo Update 6-4-14

    At DD today and I believe this is the new bridge. It has come along way since my March trip.
  5. ZodIsGr8

    Update to TRex aquarium post from March

    I will try and go back over there to get that pic for you.
  6. ZodIsGr8

    Update to TRex aquarium post from March

    I stopped back by TRex this afternoon to see what they did with the aquarium that ruptured back in March and it has been replaced by a rock feature and a new Jelly Fish animatronic or something.
  7. ZodIsGr8

    Dwarfs picture

    I have rode the ride 3 times in the past 2 days and there was not an on ride photo op that I saw. This does not mean that there will not be one but as of tight now there is not.
  8. ZodIsGr8

    Umm.. What's up with Epcot today? (05/25/14)

    They are damned if they do and damned if they don't . Has anyone checked to see if it has been fixed bc I am sure that it has.
  9. ZodIsGr8

    Umm.. What's up with Epcot today? (05/25/14)

    Tell them Figment2005!!!!!!!! Everyone acts as if it is a major crime if some part of a show or ride at Disney isn't perfect. They are in the middle of Memorial Day weekend and I am sure it is crowded and they need as many rides available as possible. If the issue happened after the morning...
  10. ZodIsGr8

    My Random Thoughts and Observations: May 18-21

    Wonderful update and I love how you pointed out mostly positives instead of negatives. PO Riverside is my favorite resort so i know exactly what you are saying when you reference your love for POFQ. There's no place like home!
  11. ZodIsGr8

    What's with all the hate?

    I think we may have missed his point on this topic. The point that I think he was trying to make is that in general there is a lot of negativity on sites like these directed at Disney. Disney is a place that we all feel very passionate about or we would not be spending so much time and energy on...
  12. ZodIsGr8

    Construction ruin it?

    I am not sure about today but give it a week or 2 and let's see.
  13. ZodIsGr8

    Construction ruin it?

    I do not allow it to ruin my experience and i try to put a positive spin on it by telling myself that it just gives me something to look forward to on my next trip by either seeing the completed project or by checking the progress that they have made since the last time I was there. I think that...
  14. ZodIsGr8

    Poor Mission: Space

    Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tear it down and rebuild the original Horizons as it was without any changes!!!!!!!!!!! Do it NOW and I don't care HOW. La La La La La La, you know the rest!
  15. ZodIsGr8

    Little Mermaid Ride at DCA had some major changes installed

    Thanks for that information. I am always surprised at all of the knowledgable people that you meet on this board. Have a great rest of the day and thanks again!
  16. ZodIsGr8

    Little Mermaid Ride at DCA had some major changes installed

    Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I am not sure how I missed that before.
  17. ZodIsGr8

    Little Mermaid Ride at DCA had some major changes installed

    I was just watching a video on another Disney site and it showed some major changes to the Little Mermaid Ride at DCA. They added a few extra characters that do not move at all, but the major change occurs as you enter the scenes where you "go under water". Instead of being lit it is now all...
  18. ZodIsGr8

    Favorite Park

    You are going to love it even more as an adult this time around I bet. Just try and take it slow so you can enjoy it and take in all of what the parks have to offer. Enjoy your upcoming trip and we all look forward to hearing about it!
  19. ZodIsGr8

    Favorite Park

    Magic Kingdom & Hollywood Studios are my favorites! Something about walking into the MK makes me forget that I am an adult as all my worries instantly disappear. I love hearing the drums beat as you cross the bridge into Adventureland and seeing the PoTC building is always great to me. Listening...
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