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  1. Timsierramist

    Frontier Airlines Personal Item

    Considering I'm used to checking large luggage and bags at the airport desk, I found these trips to be excellent. I didn't even know what a packing cube was until 2 minutes ago! I'm not planning on even bringing an umbrella or jacket this trip since the weather is supposed to be great. Worst...
  2. Timsierramist

    Frontier Airlines Personal Item

    I chickened out and bought another "personal item" case that is within/under Frontier Airlines "Personal Item" measurements. It still feels kinda big considering it's stuffed to the max with clothes, but I'll let you know how it goes. For the record, I bought this bag. Even though it said...
  3. Timsierramist

    Does Disney lie about wait times in their official app???

    Incredibly insightful, thank you for sharing!
  4. Timsierramist

    Does Disney lie about wait times in their official app???

    I hope they do something with Magic Bands eventually to automatically and constantly estimate line wait times. From the time you cross the line at point A to the time you cross at point B. I imagine this wouldn't be too hard to set up.
  5. Timsierramist

    Does Disney lie about wait times in their official app???

    Well, as I said, I was certainly skeptical that this was true. The consensus seems to be that the highlighted line from my first post is not true, which leads me towards the idea that the author of the book was simply attempting to make their own wait time app appear more valuable, which...
  6. Timsierramist

    Does Disney lie about wait times in their official app???

    I was browsing through the 2016 "unofficial" guide to WDW the other day when I came across this sentence which barely stops short of accusing Walt Disney's World's official wait time app of blatentely lying to it's guests to disperse crowds throughout the park. I never heard of anything like...
  7. Timsierramist

    Frontier Airlines Personal Item

    BTW, I am flying out of LAS because it's about $400 cheaper, haha. But that may actually work then, because I upgraded to "1st class", aka the front seats with the reclining chairs. To make this WDW trip work, i'm flying red eye, and getting sleep on the plane will be crucial. That's what I...
  8. Timsierramist

    Frontier Airlines Personal Item

    Rats. I thought I was going to be slick. Just for giggles, I think I'll drop by LAX today and try to cram it in the box. Worst case, I'll return the bag and get something that does meet the standards.
  9. Timsierramist

    Frontier Airlines Personal Item

    I am flying a lot more than I have in years (and they are getting my business because I'm "commuting" to my second home at Walt Disney World a lot more). But I'm still learning about the new airline games we all have to play now which have really changed over the past 5-10 years. Last time I...
  10. Timsierramist

    Final chance to get a Turkey Leg at Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Excellent! These also bring back the memories for me, but for different reasons and are available at dollar stores.
  11. Timsierramist

    Final chance to get a Turkey Leg at Disney's Animal Kingdom

    As I understand, SURGE is supposed to be coming back! :-)
  12. Timsierramist

    How much are you willing to pay using Fastpass Plus?

    I once thought this way too. But the way Disney has been acting lately, I'm just not so sure anymore... I can see them doing some sort of "Ultimate Walt Disney "approved" Super Duper Fastpass +++" where you would enter through the exits to walk on any ride for $100.00 or so. The ticket would...
  13. Timsierramist

    2016 Lawsuits against Disney

    Lawsuits like these are why we can't have nice things... Anyways, that said. I found the read really interesting. Always interested in law, though more on the criminal law side than anything else.
  14. Timsierramist

    Feedback on Disney's Coronado Springs Resort?

    I'll probably be making the jump to the moderates on 4th trip. Only reason I wouldn't stay at Coronado Springs is because I'm from So Cal...and it wouldn't feel exotic, lol :-P
  15. Timsierramist

    Dining solo?

    Interesting thread as I almost always travel solo. For that reason, I almost always dine in the QS. I think this trip will be the first time I'll break the ice and head into a TS.
  16. Timsierramist

    Any tips, advice, or opinions for staying at Pop Century?

    Stayed at POP in 2013. Going back in a few days. I stayed in a 50's, Top Floor, Lake View. Certainly longer walk, but like others have said, that peace and quiet at night which provides a good nights rest (and thus a better resort experience the next day) is worth the few extra steps. Plus the...
  17. Timsierramist

    Final chance to get a Turkey Leg at Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Normally I would agree with this statement. But given Disney's recent company decisions, I'm not so sure I know Disney anymore. It's all about the money to them at this point.
  18. Timsierramist

    Final chance to get a Turkey Leg at Disney's Animal Kingdom

    I'm all about eating right too. It's noble of Disney to push us into healthier options...but I'm on vacation. If I want a Turkey leg with a side of Tie Dye Cheese Cake and a Monster Energy Drink (RIP), and I'm willing to pay for it, cough up the goods.
  19. Timsierramist

    Fantasmic Fails - Feb 27th

    The Disneyland Fantasmic Dragon is named "MURPHY" for good reason. (Think Murphy's Law).
  20. Timsierramist

    If you purchase tickets on Orbitz, can you book FP+?

    This is an old post, but I wanted to share my (current) experience today booking Orbitz. I booked my tickets through them fully expecting to get my Disney ticket confirmation number. Turns out, that will be true...but within 5 business days. I used paypal as well, which is linked to my bank...
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