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  1. D

    If FastPass+ Was Retired...

    Personally, I like knowing that I will actually get to ride certain rides without waiting three hours in line and missing other rides or experiences.
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    Disney employee stole $112K from restaurant register, deputies say

    My suspicion is that she had additional help aside from the former employee who showed her how to do the fraudulent refunds. Also, my guess is that she did not start out stealing $2700 at a time, but that the amounts grew over time until they were too large to overlook.
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    How would you make your least favorite attraction even worse?

    How about Buzz Lightyear with the blasters mounted but now they only face backwards, to boot?
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    Possible Frontierland expansion

    Bumping for months now.
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    MK land most in need of a makeover

    Tomorrowland is in need of a huge update. Currently it is so outdated--not in a cool, retro-future way--just old.
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    Unmagical Day at the Magic Kingdom

    It is just too good to die. Wait, only the good die young. Maybe it is too bad to die!
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    A Disney Cruise for Somebody who HATES cruises?

    DCL is a very different experience, as others have explained. Try one of the shorter 3 or 4 night cruises to get a feel for DCL. You may discover that you like cruising with the right line. Of course, cruising is not for everyone; you may find that you really do not like cruises in general. Give...
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    MSEP Troubles Tonight

    I was thinking in terms of a new route or improvements that would lessen disruptions to traffic flow, particularly in Frontierland near BTMRR. The rumored Frontierland expansion was what made me think about changing the route. It may not be practical or possible because of backstage changes that...
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    MSEP Troubles Tonight

    I actually would not mind a break from the nighttime parade. Perhaps they can find a better route for a new parade.
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    Any word on disneyquest?

    While not original, they should just make the entire building into a giant arcade with classic and modern games, including unique games based on Disney properties.
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    Water park hours reduced for summer 2016

    These are really short summer hours (10 to 7) for a water park.
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    DAK Avatar's first sequel delayed until late 2017

    If the movie is a huge turkey, meaning a critical and box office failure, marketing a land based on the franchise would be difficult in the short term. If the new movies are well received but simply under perform at the box office, provided that the land is well done, I do not see as much of a...
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    World Showcase's Mountain Range That Never Was

    Thanks for re-posting the composites. Would Rhine River cruise have included a film like Maelstrom? I know that the basic idea was to feature models of famous German sites and architecture, but I was curious if there would have been a cultural film, too.
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    Save the Adventurers Club

    Well that explains what happened to The Westinghouse. Shocking that it never went beyond the concept stage. Now I know why.
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    DHS DHS Makeover - What we know so far.....

    It would be something new for DHS, and as much as an entirely new show would be preferable, with all of the other money being spent on the DHS make over, I do not see Disney paying to develop a new show for a half-day park that will soon be half-closed. Aladdin would be something while...
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    DHS DHS Makeover - What we know so far.....

    With Aladdin closed at DCA, I can imagine Disney staging it at DHS. Recycling the show would be cheaper than developing a new production, and would give DHS something new.
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    DHS More closures confirmed for Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I am surprised nobody has made the "half day park, no wait, just a half park" joke yet. So I did.
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    House Homeland chair warns of terror attacks at Disney, Oscars, Mall of America

    He must be trying to meet his fear mongering quota for the entire year all at once. The article said that the book is not a novel, but it seems, from the excerpt, that he tried writing one but could not think of a decent plot and, so, just threw a bunch of half baked ideas together and called...
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    News Swan and Dolphin Tower Expansion - The Walt Disney World Swan Reserve

    Swan, Dolphin, and Turtle (to keep with the water theme).
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