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  1. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    No, that just means they don't make the decisions you want them to make. It is quite possible that a person decides to take the risks for themselves and also makes the choice not to be around high risk people. Of course there will always be outliers to anything but that doesn't remove the...
  2. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    THIS!! I think you might have stumbled on to one of my biggest issues with most people on this forum. They are happy telling everyone to do as they see fit and limiting all people when there may be a better way to achieve the same goal and still protect the most vulnerable. This is also what...
  3. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    No, I don't think it should be a mandate or a law. I support businesses and their right to require masks to enter their business. I have worn a mask long before they were required mainly because I got COVID in mid-March and even though I quarantined for 4 weeks and was likely no where near...
  4. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes, that would be an excellent step to ensuring we curb the spread of the virus.
  5. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    For the majority of nursing homes this is not true. The true root of spread is infected seniors being ordered to go back to these facilities where they spread it to other residents. This was evident in NY and NJ at the beginning of the pandemic where the all mighty Cuomo ordered the nursing...
  6. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    On the one hand I'm inclined to agree with you but on the other I do worry about government over-reach. This is probably not the hill to die on but like I said it is a slippery slope. After 9/11 so many people were willing to give up their autonomy in the name of "safety". I know that this...
  7. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Again, you just proved my point. You are over simplifying the pandemic and the response that is necessary. It is a very complex issue and there are a lot of nuances that are involved. It is not as simple as keeping certain businesses closed and just masking and social distancing. And no, I'm...
  8. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    This board is tough and I definitely don't write as eloquently as I speak... LOL! I'm more of a middle of the road with this pandemic. I think its serious but I also think we have overreacted to a degree. I don't agree with all the science as I have a science background and I don't think we...
  9. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Ok, so what did I say that is really wrong. I pointed out that "experts" have been all over the place regarding masks and I think they could have done a better job messaging to people so there was less push back. Not sure why this is so controversial. And frankly people asking for sources...
  10. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    What I find funny is how so many on here have just 1 point of view and are not willing to see that the issue is more complex then what is being presented. Anytime anyone presents any other opinion or argument they are called anti-science, conspiracy theorist, COVID denier. I find that funny.
  11. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes!! My sister works in an assisted living facility and the residents aren't even allowed out of their rooms let alone are able to see their family. These residents have declined physically and mentally. This is just 1 consequence of the pandemic and the policies that cause harm. It is very...
  12. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Don't forget this is a slippery slope. I'm all for stopping the pandemic but we don't need new laws or to give our government the right to infringe on our liberties. Treating people like adults and using positive reinforcement would get a lot more people on board. I truly fear what is...
  13. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I completely disagree. The difference in the past was the way the information was communicated to the public. All the messages were about we are all in this together and how people could contribute to the cause. The media has failed to do this and is not the same media we had for WWI and WWII...
  14. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    As humans there is only so much that we can tolerate before our brains are desensitized. I know I am fatigued by all of this as well as a number of my friends and family. So I don't expect that we are any more upset about 2000 deaths a day then 1000 and it isn't a matter of saying it is fine...
  15. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The first message was masks don't work and please don't go buy them since the healthcare workers needed them. Then came well just any old mask is good (hell a t-shirt over your nose & mouth is fine) and may help. Then masks are the best thing since sliced bread. Then well some masks work and...
  16. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Right and in the beginning the science said masks don't work. Then they changed their mind without adequate data explaining why so you had a lot of push back when it didn't seem to make sense. So if they came out in the beginning and said we don't know if they work so wear one or not and we...
  17. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I don't have a problem with limiting capacity and while I don't love masks that would be fine to. I have a problem with governors who wouldn't let stores, restaurants or gyms open at all. We knew that there would be restrictions and people were fine with them but keeping things closed when...
  18. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    There was a lot of back and forth from the experts in the beginning about masks and that is what caused the problem and still causes the problem. What is needed is the facts from experts that everyone can hear and then make decisions on. We get a lot of opinion from the media instead of facts...
  19. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 Good luck stuffing that genie back in the bottle!! Thanks for the chuckle!!
  20. Tink242424

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Well I live in NJ and for months we couldn't go to the gym. We only just got that sometime in July. And we only just got indoor dining. So there have been a lot of restrictions on businesses that were longer than needed. I fully agree that in the beginning we needed to shut things down and...
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