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  1. zoso

    EPCOT Reflections of Earth confirmed to be replaced by Harmonious

    Oh dang, well I mean if that’s what the insiders are saying then I believe them. Hope it is soon though! I’m planning a Disney trip last week of august into first week of September. I’d be happy just seeing EF, but would totally be amazing if Harm opened. Maybe because this is something...
  2. zoso

    EPCOT Reflections of Earth confirmed to be replaced by Harmonious

    this is so exciting! I wonder…if this is a full test run, and they did full test runs of HEA a few weeks before it’s debut, does that mean we can expect HARM to debut in July or August?
  3. zoso

    EPCOT Reflections of Earth confirmed to be replaced by Harmonious

    Not sure if this was posted, but are these the pyro barges?
  4. zoso

    EPCOT Reflections of Earth confirmed to be replaced by Harmonious

    Hey y’all, just wondering what the testing comparisons are with Harmonious and other fireworks/night shows? In other words, how much time before the debut of HEA or EF (or maybe even WoC @ DL?) were they beginning to do simple tests? Even before full show tests. Cause I wonder if there’s a way...
  5. zoso

    Best HEA viewing area for wheelchair?

    So I'm going to WDW next month and I'm just curious where the best spot is for viewing HEA for people in a wheelchair? I have a younger brother who will need a wheelchair, and I just worry that people standing will block his view. Where would you recommend we bring him? Are there any secret...
  6. zoso

    New Train Station Sign

    Really? I mean officially it's Walt Disney World and it looks so much better that way, but as far as people referring to the park, I never hear anyone actually say the "Walt" part when talking about Disney World. Not that I'm particularly on any side of this discussion, but it's something that...
  7. zoso

    News Disney Not Renewing Great Movie Ride Sponsorship Deal with TCM ; Attraction to Close

    I'm sure this has been answered already, but can somebody tell me if the ride will still be operating/open in late August? I don't even know if it's still open right now, so I apologize for a redundant question.
  8. zoso

    WDW Auditions: Rey look-alike in 30 days // And C-3P0

    (A billion years later) Yea, Daisy is actually tall. I think average female height is like 5'4-5'5. Funny enough, in the above gif Daisy is actually wearing flat boots (kinda like Uggs) and Carrie is wearing wedge boots.
  9. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    Not the greatest quality. Edit: Upon watching this a second time, it seems like the right side (@ 9:51) had the flare looking pyro with the first launch, and then the right side switched back to the old pyro with the second launch (@ 9:58). Gives you a good comparison between the two types though.
  10. zoso

    Main Street Emporium columns refurbishment

    I was checking instagram and it seems as though they took down the scrim and left the fencing part up. But it also looks as though they put up a scrim on another building on Main Street around Main Street Fashion and Apparel? Can anyone confirm?
  11. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    So it seems as though they brought back the original fireworks during the Frozen sequence. Not 100% sure if this was yesterday, but Olaf has the spotlight effect that MTBaymax mentioned I'm 99% it is was recent.
  12. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    I actually specifically didn't say on the castle lmao I meant behind the castle on the roof tops of the buildings to the sides. Not sure how to identify them, but most of the close-up pyro that isn't on the castle launched on those roof tops. I understand why some would find it overwhelming though.
  13. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    I'm gonna sound like an idiot, but what exactly does this mean? Lol
  14. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    Also had a random thought while rewatching recently...does anybody else think the "villain" scene would look cool with some flamethrowers? Kinda like the villain/hellfire scene in WoC. Or would that be too much? If even possible. Like this but instead on the roofs of the buildings behind/to the...
  15. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    I caught that too. Definitely preferred the original pyro, but the new ones aren't horrible per se, they just look less impressive. Here's a side-by-side I just made. Top is old, bottom is new. The original pyro (comets) had bright tails that streaked across the sky and looked more romantic...
  16. zoso

    Main Street Emporium columns refurbishment

    Thank you. Btw what's your avatar of? It looks vaguely familiar.
  17. zoso

    Main Street Emporium columns refurbishment

    Do you guys think the scrims/walls/scaffolding will be gone by the end of August? It's not at all a big deal if it isn't, just curious. Bringing my parents for the first time. Too excited!
  18. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    I was hoping HEA would borrow some effects, like you mentioned the sunset/sunrise time lapse effect on the castle. I also love that they had Walt saying "To all who come to this happy place, welcome." It wouldn't really fit the theme of HEA though. Yes, they did sneak in the rocket launch bit...
  19. zoso

    News Wishes to be replaced with new 'Happily Ever After' nighttime spectacular

    Random thought, does anyone else love The Magic, The Memories, and You soundtrack? The theme itself is very catchy and probably my favorite show theme singing wise. Shame it was used for something so short-lived
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