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  1. EaglesfanNJ

    Best area of POP Century to request...

    To add on to the OP's original question.... We'll be staying at Pop for the 1st time in Sept. It would cost us just a hair under $100 to go preferred room for the week. Opinions on whether or not the preferred is worth it? 2 little ones and a double stroller to take into consideration too...
  2. EaglesfanNJ

    Will this work through air port security?

    Hey Tractorm.... Rest easy my friend. Keep that bad boy in your carry-on, let it go through the Xray machine. She won't think twice about it. My first trip to Disney was in 2004, I proposed to my now wife. The ring was also made of white gold and I had no issues. Of course, the fact that...
  3. EaglesfanNJ

    September 2012 Roll Call...its never too early!!!

    :sohappy: Late to the party, but add me to the list! DW and I just booked Sept 1st - 7th... 1st time staying at Pop!
  4. EaglesfanNJ

    Sports/Music VS. Pop!

    Hey apologies for the lag time in responses! I appreciate everyone's feedback. Lilo, to your point above, I did consider AoA, however with it being brand new, I would expect it to be even more hectic. Furthermore... We're taking advantage of free dining and from what I...
  5. EaglesfanNJ

    Sports/Music VS. Pop!

    Nice review, thanks for taking the time out to respond. You guys all have me leaning Pop's way now. To your point above about the food courts. Has anyone ever found them so crowded to the point where you'd not want to stay there? Reason I ask... One of the more common themes I see on...
  6. EaglesfanNJ

    Sports/Music VS. Pop!

    Interesting responses thus far.. Pop running away with it. I'm inclined to try something new for sure. From what I understand the local kids are back to school, and after Monday (Labor Day) I would expect crowds to think out big time. Preferred room is something we've never done though...
  7. EaglesfanNJ

    Sports/Music VS. Pop!

    Hi Everyone! First let me start by saying I'm typing this with the excitement level at a 10. We just booked a week in September w/ Free Dining, upgraded to Regular Dining Plan (Small shout out to Tammy at Kingdom Konsultantas once again, thanks Tammy)!! It was out of nowhere really...
  8. EaglesfanNJ

    Disney Doofus

    Wow am I an idiot. Ok, i'm not too proud to admit that until I read through this thread, I totally thought the Ostrich eggs were real.. FAIL! A small one I thought of for myself.. I didn't realize "that guy" in Indiana Jones wasn't really a volunteer until the very end of the show when they...
  9. EaglesfanNJ

    Anyone wanna review my itinerary?

    Good for you, quite a schedule there! Someone likes Boma! Two 6 year olds however, they are at that age where wanting to fly from ride to ride and show to show will be first on their minds, food an afterthought. Perhaps scale it back to the regular dining plan? For example, Tuesday at CRT...
  10. EaglesfanNJ

    I got into a altercation @ F & G festival!!

    Holy thread bump Batman! :sohappy: Funny, last month I was way bored one night and took the time to read through every page of this bad boy.. priceless. Question is, anyone going to Flower and Garden this year to say hi to our friends and keep tradition alive?
  11. EaglesfanNJ

    Tomorrowland Terrace Fireworks Dessert Party

    It's probably best to call every day at least starting at 90 days, if not 120. You'll find something i'm sure. Enjoy. Did it for the 1st time this past October and it was fantastic. Witnessed an egnagement right in front of us too
  12. EaglesfanNJ

    Are these "Hidden Gems" still there?

    Don't forget about the Chapeu phone, that was still there my last trip in October, albeit not working well.. Up the ramp to where they do the embroidering, to the right of the door leading outside. Pick it up and you can hear a conversation.
  13. EaglesfanNJ

    Your Top Three Park Items.

    I LOL'd at this one, good work by you. Can't forget those kids! By default my Key to the World card, wallet/money, sunscreen
  14. EaglesfanNJ

    Negative Friends and Family?

    I get a little of both....... I have family members who give me the "You're going to Disney again?? There's so many other places to see, why don't you try somewhere else?" To which i respond: "You mean like my 3 Cruises, Grand Canyon trip, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas x's 2, and Dallas...
  15. EaglesfanNJ

    Anyone married to a MOUSEJUNKIE?

    ^^^^^ Is the MouseJunkie!!! My wife is totally into it too... matter of fact, I didn't go to WDW for the first time until I was about 23, and it was with my now wife. Little did she know the monster she was creating!! But we both are junkies, get into the planning, etc.
  16. EaglesfanNJ

    Best of WDW!!

    I thoroughly enjoy the background music at the entrance of MK, MSUSA, and the HUB. One of my favorite things to do is stroll up and down MSUSA, taking in the sights, smells, and in this case, the sounds. Grab a Mickey Premium Bar, sit on the benches, and take it all in. Honorable mention...
  17. EaglesfanNJ

    New Disney catch phrase!

    Sounds like you love Disney, but are angry with TDO. Understandable, but seriously... I'm calling foul on this one. No way you're cancelling a trip you have in 2 weeks, and no way you're missing the 24 hour event. If you did that would be your loss and it's certainly not like TDO would get...
  18. EaglesfanNJ

    Best of WDW!!

    Oh man, now you're making it REALLY tough!!! :shrug: Well, since it's all about the kids, I will answer CRT, breakfast to be specific. My little girl got 1 on 1 time with each of "her" princesses... Plus the keepsake picture, the wand/swords, the abitlity to eat inside the castle.. just has...
  19. EaglesfanNJ

    Best of WDW!!

    Downtown Disney for us. Oddly enough we can spend as much time here as we could in AK. Not just for the shopping, but for some adult time at Raglan Road, dining, Ghiradelli's. It's awesome. We are excited for Splitsville too, should be nice alternative to night time at a park.
  20. EaglesfanNJ

    Meeting Dopey

    One has to wonder if things like this will change with the opening of new Fantasyland?? TDO obviously knows that the 7 dwarfs are popular for pics as evidenced by the 2 hour wait to just get a pic with them at special parties. Maybe with the new coaster they stage some dwarfs and Snow White...
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