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  1. Raven66

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    102 :geek:
  2. Raven66

    Trip Report The "I'm not going to write a Trip Report, Just Kidding Yes I Am" Trip Report

    Really enjoying your report and pictures. The one of you all on ToT and your mom's face is great!! Happy belated birthday!!
  3. Raven66

    Free Dining for the fall?

    Why is Oct 4th-Oct 25th blocked? Is that a busy time to go? Thanks!
  4. Raven66

    Trip Report The completely magical Babymoon and "It's a ...?" trip report

    Great name for your little man. Loved the trip report and pictures. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see Colin's picture!!
  5. Raven66

    Trip Report The completely magical Babymoon and "It's a ...?" trip report

    Loving the trip report. Looking forward to reading the rest. Congrats on the baby boy! Hurry up and tell us his name already!! You look so happy and glowing. I'm just really excited for you and your husband.
  6. Raven66

    Mono at the Parks

    My daughter caught it last year. It stays in your body for 6 weeks. She missed one week of school because of being contagious. Then she was allowed back in. Luckily the 6 week period ended just before our June trip last year. She only had 2 days where she was so exhausted that she couldn't go...
  7. Raven66

    For the first time, I've finally seen the fabled mythical Brazillian Tour Groups

    We haven't seem (or heard) the BTG's but we got a whole lotta cheerleaders and they are pretty bad in their own right. They stretched across Main Street and wouldn't let anyone pass, screaming and cheering as loud as possible. And the adults who were with them were egging them on. Quite a few...
  8. Raven66

    Trip Report The "That Family Was So Bogus On Small World" Trip Report!

    Enjoying the report and pictures! Your boys are adorable and I feel for your wife's feet. Our last trip my daughter and I had nothing but trouble. She got big blisters on her arch. It really blows to have that happen with all the walking there is.
  9. Raven66

    Trip Report It's Not 'Whoop-de-do", it's "Whoop-de WHOOO"! October 2013 Disneymoon

    Congrats on your wedding! Love the pictures and report. Sorry you didn't get to see Flynn. That would really have made me so mad. But the moral I got from that story is ME FIRST!!:D It sounds like over all you had a wonderful time. And to spend your disneymoon with your family must have...
  10. Raven66

    Trip Report Magical Moments with Blue Skies and Sunshine...Guaranteed!

    I'm already hooked! If I can't be at Disney I love looking at other's pictures. Fills a little void. You know someday Grace will hate you for that sleeping picture. haha I do it to my 16 yr old all the time.:D
  11. Raven66

    Trip Report Holy Moly! 8 PEEPS and and alot of "come on!"

    Enjoying your report. And your pictures are wonderful. Beautiful family. Can't wait to read more!!
  12. Raven66

    Trip Report A most magical 20th birthday!

    Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Thanks for sharing.
  13. Raven66

    How intense is RnRC?

    It gets a 5 gillion from me:eek: That ride scares the bejesus out of me. I've only ever ridden it twice and that is plenty. I let my husband and daughter have all the fun.
  14. Raven66

    Once is enough or not enough

    We actually re ride everything. Multiple times.:D
  15. Raven66

    Am I the only one who likes the current version of Journey into Imagination?

    We (my family) like it a lot. Ride it several times a trip. And we got to meet Figment!
  16. Raven66

    Trip Report Oh September - we'll miss you so - A Sept 18th to the 27th trip report

    It was pretty pricey. We wanted to be adventurous and try some new exotic foods. My daughter picked it for her 16th birthday dinner.
  17. Raven66

    Trip Report Oh September - we'll miss you so - A Sept 18th to the 27th trip report

    We tried Boma for the first time in June and it was fabulous. Glad the rain stopped for you!
  18. Raven66

    Tantruming Children..has it ever been yours?

    Awww thanks for that confidence boost but you REALLY don't wanna see this. :eek:
  19. Raven66

    Holiday Season

    The kids will have a blast regardless. It's you that might be miserable. I've never been during that time but I've heard it's one of the busiest. Just remember you are at Disney and just have fun.
  20. Raven66

    Stroller debate!!!!

    You know your kid best. I personally think 7 is too old for a stroller. We took our daughter for the first time when she was 5. I asked her if she wanted us to rent her a stroller. She said nope. She spent that whole trip walking. Never once asked for one after the first time we asked her...
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