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  1. mguimond1990

    Jack skellington

    Sorry if there is another thread on this topic, but I wanted to express my hatred for the jack skellington costume at the MNSSHP. He looks like an Alien. Nobody can tell me with a straight face that that's the best they could do. If you haven't seen it, take a look
  2. mguimond1990

    Fantasmic might be cancelled tonight

    Here are 2 photos from attraction magazines twitter account. The top one is the hades stage and the second one is the line for baggage screening before entering. I don't think this was planned out very well. Maybe next year they could just combine unleash the villains and MNSSHP into a big...
  3. mguimond1990

    September 2013 roll call!

    All Star Movies 09/23rd-09/29th for our DisneyMoon :)
  4. mguimond1990

    Surprise in the blue envelope??

    I received our blue envelope today(I screamed like a girl) but I was surprised to see in there vouchers for a free day at disney quest. And vouchers for a free round of mini golf. Has it always been this way? I don't remember those being in there my last trip.
  5. mguimond1990

    Is there any rides you've never been on and never want to go on?

    I'm surprised no one has said stitchs great escape. Everyone on here seems to have a great amount of hate for the ride...with good reason. Awful ride.
  6. mguimond1990

    Resort upgrades?

    Does anybody know if you can upgrade resorts? Our trip next month was a gift and the person selected All Star Movies, which is fine, I love the all star resorts. But is there ways to upgrade to like the Art Of Animation resort? is switching resorts even allowed?
  7. mguimond1990

    American me goose bumps sometimes

    Yea the public is loosing interest in the tv show in general. I can't imagine this lasting too much longer. Especially if HS is getting a major update that we all suspect.
  8. mguimond1990

    That Feeling is just soooooo hard to explain to people....who just don't understand!

    Yea some people just don't get it. When we told people we chose disney for our honeymoon the responses were either "why" or "didn't u just go there last may"...I just wanna scream at them "YES BUT IT'S MAGICAL!"
  9. mguimond1990

    Planes sequel already announced

    First thought is "WHY WHY WHY"...but according to disneys official twitter account planes 2 :fire and rescue is coming out July 18th of 2014. How pointless.
  10. mguimond1990

    Driving to the World From the Northeast

    The last couple times I have gone I have flown. But I will never forgot the memories created when my mom took me when I was in middle school and we drove down. I'm all for driving again. We went from Maine to Florida. Some of the things I remember( besides the cool memories) is 1) the awful NYC...
  11. mguimond1990

    Crowd calendars?

    Thanks guys! Every day I'm there in September touring plans has ranked as a 1,2 or 3. Guess that's gonna be sweet :)
  12. mguimond1990

    Crowd calendars?

    Thanks for the heads up! We are heading to WDW the last week of September and I planned on going to Epcot the first day of the food and wine festival..I might have to reconsider haha
  13. mguimond1990

    Crowd calendars?

    How acturate would you say crowd calendars are? And which one doe you think is the best. I've looked at ones from undercover tourists, touring plans, and they seem to be a little different on their choices. Does anybody use crowd calendars to help plan their trips?
  14. mguimond1990

    Anybody been kayaking at WDW?

    I was looking for some info about kayaking at WDW. Would people recommend it? The first day we fly in next month I've got some time to kill so I'd love to just relax on the water. I looked online and the only thing I seem to find is that it's $11. Does anyone know how long that's for? And which...
  15. mguimond1990

    Pre-Trip Counting the days til Disney/MNSSHP/F&W festival

    Sounds like a great plan. I'll be there for my honeymoon the 23rd-29th. I'm hoping to catch the MNSSHP on the 24th but I'm hesitant to buy early in case it rains. Hope you have a blast, and looking forward to your trip report :)
  16. mguimond1990

    Any good disney books to read??

    I recently got on this reading kick with my kindle and I've been looking for a good disney book to read. I already have the unofficial guide to WDW which is great for trip planning. But I was looking for a good fiction story. I know there's the kingdom keepers but that's aimed towards the pre...
  17. mguimond1990

    Honeymooner staying at resort for first time. HELP!

    Here's another question I have. I'm all for matching shirts and wearing the just married buttons, but we are a same sex couple. I'm just not sure i wanna publicize our marriage and run into someone filed with negativity who could ruin the day or honeymoon. Is disney gay friendly? Silly I know
  18. mguimond1990

    Trip Club Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party 2013

    Sept 24th! This will be my first time. Beyond excited :)
  19. mguimond1990

    Honeymooner staying at resort for first time. HELP!

    Ours is the 21st too! How awesome, congrats on your big day!
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