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  1. Erin_Akey

    Lactic acid buildup??

    Does anyone know anything about this supplement called Inhibilak? Or do any of you eat or take anything that is supposed to help stop lactic acid production in your muscles? I am very intrigued by all of this and learning!
  2. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    I will definitely try that tonight!! Thanks!!
  3. Erin_Akey

    Morning running food tips

    I cannot eat in the morning. I usually do a 5k as my morning run too. I will usually have a cup of coffee and a coffee flavored gel.about 30 minutes prior. That seems to work best for me. If I try to eat and then run- YUCK!!! I find the fruity flavored gels are too sweet but the chocolate...
  4. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    Good to know about the times as it will likely be december before I can record a 10k!
  5. Erin_Akey

    Will we be trampled?

    As someone who has spent MANY Christmas vacations in Disney, I can tell you EPCOT is the WORST of the parks on New Year's Eve. they are all crowded, but EPCOT is the WORST and usually goes into several phases of the closings. After last year, my kids made us PROMISE never to go back again...
  6. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    Ok- I ran 4.1 miles tonight. I feel a little better knowing I can still go at least that far! I think we should be able to work back up to 8 pretty soon. i think I need to do more stretching too. My son who runs cross country for his high school is always fussing about us not stretching...
  7. Erin_Akey

    And I tought September was THE month to visit (also trip report)

    I just got back last night and strangely enough, I was excited at how low the crowds seemed. I can say they were MUCH lighter than when I was there in July and then in May. Our of my three trips in the last four months, this was by far the best. TSM had long waits of course, but the rest...
  8. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    I guess it is really my shoulder muscles that get sore. i don't think I swing too much, but will DEF check that later tonight when we run. i really want to try and do a 10k so I can submit a time and not get put in the very last corral. i wonder if I do one in December if that is too late...
  9. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    Thanks guys for the plans and advice. I have not done a long run yet so I think tonight I am goin to see what I can do- I am going to try 8 miles on a run one walk one routine and see how I feel. I looked at the Hal Higdon plan and i wonder how it will work if i do not use the same days as he...
  10. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    thanks to all! Glad to hear no one thinks I am crazy to still be trying to do this! I discovered with my jog tracker that if you run out of Boardwalk and across the Swan/Dolphin bridge around to the Intl. Gateway and go around that loop there and back to Boardwalk, it is exactly 1 mile. It...
  11. Erin_Akey

    Need some encouragement!

    So my half training plan took a major blow during the month of August. I found out I had a stomach ulcer which was making me really sick and so I didn't run for two weeks. Then my company went through a big merger with a European company which had me doing some travelling and then once home...
  12. Erin_Akey

    If you were at WDW right now, what would you be doing?

    Just left this morning. This time last night we were sitting on our balcony above Big River Grill watching the sunset and the Boardwalk vendors come out. Hubby would be cooking dinner and then a quick shower before heading to MK for EMH.
  13. Erin_Akey

    Which attraction would you like to see go?

    This will probably land me in divorce court, but the Country Bear Jamboree makes me crazy. It is so time for something new there!
  14. Erin_Akey


    I had one of the slushes yesterday and it seemed strong to me too. Went back and read the sign and sure enough it has both Grand Marnier AND Grey Goose. Didn't remember that from last time. Wonder if that is a new thing?
  15. Erin_Akey

    Boardwalk - does it come alive at night?

    We love Boardwalk and during the day, while no street performers are out, there are shops and places to eat. We love seeing the performers at night and also going to ESPN or Big River Grill for a beer. They are both open until one am. The surrrey bike rentals are fun too. My kids like the...
  16. Erin_Akey

    Tempo run???

    Can you set this plan to the length you want? Could I start it now etc.? Or is it s set length where I need to start it later etc.?
  17. Erin_Akey

    What did you do?

    You guys are wild with these high miles and distances and low times. once agan I am almost embarassed to post what I did today! I was very sick last night. Had a nasty altercation with my stomach ulcer- so probably shouldn't have tried to run this morning....BUT wantd to do at least...
  18. Erin_Akey

    Tempo run???

  19. Erin_Akey

    Tempo run???

    Thanks for all the info....I am so confused!!!! And yes this is the plan from! i guess i need to change it to show the date of the race.....I didn't see an option for that, so i need to go look again. Thanks all! Erin
  20. Erin_Akey

    What did you do?

    i am pretty new to this too. Just started in June. CONGRATS!!!! That is a great time!!!!
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