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  1. munchiezxx

    New nighttime show 'Rivers of Light' confirmed to be coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom

    Oh My Disney posted a few video previews on Snapchat if anyone saw them.
  2. munchiezxx

    New Mickey and Minnie heads - how we feeling?

    I've been staring at the pictures of them dozens of times since I first saw them and I'm starting to adapt to the Mickey though something about the eye shape bothers me, but Minnie... I can't get used to Minnie. Her face looks extremely distorted and unproportional.
  3. munchiezxx


    I thought I should introduce myself... I'm Munch and I am actually the biggest fan of Minnie Mouse and Sadness in the entire universe... also, I'm Kingdom Keepers obsessed and IRL Amanda Lockhart. I love Epcot and Spaceship Earth and I have a newfound love for abandoned Imageworks, River Country...
  4. munchiezxx

    New Mickey and Minnie heads - how we feeling?

    I made an account on here just to comment that I do not approve of this change, no thanks.
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