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  1. Legacy

    Universal Character Picture of the Day Thread!!

    They way I read it, it was came across as, "I like Marvel, but Spiderman is my fav (even though he's DC)." *Parenthetical phrase added for my assumption. I knew you knew... I just... Nevermind... :king:
  2. Legacy

    Just got back from WDW

    Eh... who cares? At least the "Disney Look" thread has disappeared.
  3. Legacy

    Replace WoL with updated Horizons sponsored by Microsoft

    What was World of Motion like? Slow moving omnimover... just like Spaceship Earth.
  4. Legacy

    Just got back from WDW

    Na... Those posts weren't self-serving enough.
  5. Legacy

    France at Epcot

    Well, the low-quality versions are pretty cheap. But there are some high-quality ones who make an impression. They're the Gucci of snarkiness. And you forgot Night Kingdom and the Bald Mountain flume-ride.
  6. Legacy

    New Snow White Movie

    I've heard rumblings of a new Snow White film, but not through Disney. It's possible, regardless. And the link doesn't work.
  7. Legacy

    Replace WoL with updated Horizons sponsored by Microsoft

    Oh geesh, not this again. Someone get Epcot Explorer in here...
  8. Legacy

    Just got back from WDW

    I hate you, Pumbas. I think I gave myself a hernia from laughing so hard.
  9. Legacy

    Just got back from WDW

    They spent three days in their hotel room!
  10. Legacy

    The Last POTC Movie

    I really hope it's over. Really. The first one was good. The second two were a tad over the top. And I don't like the Jack Sparrow character.
  11. Legacy

    Universal Character Picture of the Day Thread!!

    Psst... or saying that like Spiderman is a DC character... :cool: This thread has SO sidetracked.
  12. Legacy

    Universal Character Picture of the Day Thread!!

    Actually, I'm not a huge comic book reader. However, I do what I can to stay on top of the current story arcs as much as possible. I enjoy the stories and the art-work, but unfortunately it's too expensive a hobby to actually participate in to the extreme that I would like to. So... to...
  13. Legacy

    Universal Character Picture of the Day Thread!!

    Why? That's actually a happy photo of Jack. (The Caretaker is cooler anyway.)
  14. Legacy

    Tiki Room Easter Egg in Camp Rock!!!

    Nope... don't think it was. I know they're good at it, but like I said, it's such a cliched joke that you can't say it's a not. Especially when there are no other similar nods in the movie.
  15. Legacy

    Beauty and The Beast

    A recording contract for the hit song Rosanna!
  16. Legacy

    finding Nemo The Musical

    It's a serious show, fur shur... but the production was great. It was my fav for a while... then I saw... Mama Mia... And then I saw The Wedding Singer. Nothing has topped that for me, yet.
  17. Legacy

    France at Epcot

    *headdesk* That's not a gimmick! That's a cliche'! A gimmick is like using an eye-roll in every post or being a snarky devil's advocate in EVERY post you make.
  18. Legacy

    finding Nemo The Musical

    Although, to be honest I'm fighting the urge to sidetrack it more. Did you enjoy Aida?
  19. Legacy

    Universal Character Picture of the Day Thread!!

    I prefer the Ultimate Universe look. Really of all the characters. Cyclop's original look doesn't bother me too much... but Wolverine's mask... It's just so over-the-top.
  20. Legacy

    France at Epcot

    You gotta have a gimmick.
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