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  1. Homer fan

    Flamingo Crossing transportation

    They have car seats?
  2. Homer fan

    Flamingo Crossing transportation

    Sorry, one more question. We are looking to stay at one of the Homewood Suites or the other Hilton. From what I can tell, there is no transportation to the parks, right? If so, how are people with young kids (car seat age) getting to the parks?
  3. Homer fan

    Flamingo Crossing transportation

    Thanks! Do you know how far it is from the parks?
  4. Homer fan

    Flamingo Crossing transportation

    Does anyone know what the transportation to and from Flamingo Crossing are? Shuttles? Buses? Find ur own?
  5. Homer fan

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    Cases don’t matter, it’s hospitalizations
  6. Homer fan

    News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom

    Does anyone have an idea when the train may be running again? Summer? Fall? 2023?
  7. Homer fan

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Ya, I live near a golf course in Connecticut and we hear those warnings all the time for lightning. It's to warn golfers it's in the area.
  8. Homer fan

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Yes, but the far majority don’t wear N95 masks. And unless you are wearing it 24/7 while out in public, there is still a chance to catch a strain like omicron
  9. Homer fan

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Because literally everyone I know got Omicron (except me and my family)! The masks couldn’t stop it, that is clear.
  10. Homer fan

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Because humans aren’t meant to have a face covering over our mouth’s 🤷‍♂️
  11. Homer fan

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    You do know that over 9,300 people die every day in the US alone…if we pointed out every death, diagnosis or positive test of everything out there on a daily basis, we’d never leave our homes. Grow up and live your life.
  12. Homer fan

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    People know they are overweight, it makes them high risk for everything, not just COVID…just look at Disney World on any given day, it’s amazing that some of these people are still standing.
  13. Homer fan

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    NJ is dropping mask mandate for schools. It’s a matter of time now before all the dominos fall…freedom is in sight!
  14. Homer fan

    Resort Activities

    Does anyone know how far out resort activities are posted? Like movie night, smores night, etc. I wanted to maybe pick our partial park days around some of these. I'd imagine they are subject to change/cancelation, but are there certain days of the week they do certain activities resort-wide...
  15. Homer fan

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    But masks don't work to stop Omicron, unless it's N95, soooo....
  16. Homer fan

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    That is completely false. Maybe I wasn’t clear, but I was referring to non-N95 masks with Omicron. They are essentially useless at this point and even left-wing doctors and scientists are now admitting it.
  17. Homer fan

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    Mask mandates implemented by cities/towns/states, including for my kids to go to school, when the science says masks don’t work! Yet my kids need to sit in school for 7 hours with masks on their faces for the last 2+ years, all for the appearance of safety. It breaks my heart they are being...
  18. Homer fan

    News Disney mask policy at Walt Disney World theme parks

    Anyone still requiring masks during Omicron is a fool. Doctors and scientists have already said anything but N95 essentially does nothing to stop Omicron, so it’s a waste to force it on people now. Omicron is going to push COVID into endemic territory, which should an end to all of these...
  19. Homer fan

    News Tomorrowland love

    Interesting, that made me think, has Disney ever considered using an animitronic of Walt in the park entrance or in an attraction? That would be amazing! @lentesta maybe something to ask Jim Hill?
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