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  1. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    By this time the corrals were starting to fill up and it wasn’t long before they were sending off the wheelchair athlete. Then it was time for the first corral. With their send off there were fireworks from all around including towers of sparklers. It was an impressive sight and helped to get...
  2. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Thanks…btw love you pic with Jeff Galloway!
  3. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Ahh… injuries, I was so worried about those in the weeks leading up to the race. I swear I had nightmares about them. I glad to hear you were able to make it through that race. Leading up to the race I saw so many people who were trying to sell their bibs because they were injured and weren’t...
  4. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Day 2-Race Day That night I had not slept like I hoped that I would. If fact I barely slept at all. You could really tell that the walls were thinner and I could hear people and doors slamming all night long. I believe I fell asleep around 1:45 am and my alarm woke me up at 3. Yep, that’s just...
  5. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Dairy is hard for a lot of people i think. I was going off of it slowly when i was vegetarian before going vegan so it wasnt that bad. Now i have been vegan for two years and dont even think about it accept when im avoiding it.
  6. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    The weather was beautiful as we made our way to Pop Century. I could feel the stress related to the flight melting away as we got closer to Disney. This would be my first time staying there and my first time staying in a value for a long time. Since my high school music trips I believe. Given...
  7. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    It was, but its amazing how once you land in FL all the stress of it starts to disappear I thought aways thought that people who run races like this have always been runner. I had never been a runner and didnt think i could go from having my athletic level and actually be able to run in a...
  8. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Day 1-Travel Day After finishing my last minute packing my dad picked me up at 8:30 Saturday morning to drive me to the airport. The weather was all over the place and we didn’t want to get stuck in traffic and make me late for my 11:50 flight. I had nightmares leading up to the race about...
  9. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Thanks, it was... but some training is better than no training...right? I read you last trip report from the marathon weekend. Congrats on your medals, three races in one weekend...thats an accomplishment:) Welcome! Wow...50 to 60 miles a week. That's a lot of walking, guess it's that...
  10. rani8600

    13.1 Royal Miles

    Who: I’m Lindsay, a 26 year old vegan who has been going to Disney World since I can remember. Hayley, 22, currently working in the Orlando area. My mom (doesn’t care for having her picture taken), who has been the driving force for my sister and my Disney obsession. Why: The...
  11. rani8600

    Poor Unfortunate Soles: A 2013 Marathon Weekend (5K, Half and Full Marathon) Trip Report!

    Sorry to hear about the not so magical expo experience. I have found that when and if they give the discounts can be spotty sometimes depending on how long the CM has been working with Disney. I have learned from past experiences to ask for everything everywhere we go Visa, DVC, AP and even...
  12. rani8600

    runDisney Crowds

    We have been down during that weekend many times. the only really difference you are goint to have is on the days of the races sat for the half and sun for the full while the races are going on. there are going to be a lot of roads blocked off so DO NOT drive your own car as you run the risk of...
  13. rani8600

    The 15 days of Disney wedding and Disneymoon PTR

    Congratulations! Wishing you a wonderful wedding day...I cant wait to hear all about it :)
  14. rani8600

    Madame Renata question

    i dont think she has a back story...she and madame carlotta are just streetmosphere entertainment during the halloween party.
  15. rani8600

    WDW Confessions

    dont feel bad, i read it the same way and was confused until they explain then was like "oOoh ok, i get it"
  16. rani8600

    Where are all the people? Sept 1-8 TR

    After the tour was over it was about 3:30. We had early dinner reservations at 50s Primetime, so we hopped a bus for DHS. For dinner I opted for my usual, a peanut butter and jelly milkshake (rice dream milk and ice cream) with a side a fries. Sooo good. It was a great last meal...
  17. rani8600

    Where are all the people? Sept 1-8 TR

    After we got back into the truck and were able to see the rest of the savannah. All too soon our tour was over. They told us that a portion of our tour fees would be donated to and animal charity of our choosing. Both my sister and I chose Big Cats. This was a really...
  18. rani8600

    Where are all the people? Sept 1-8 TR

    About half way through the safari part of the tour, it was time for lunch. This was one of the most relaxing lunches I have ever had. The area that they set it up in was sooo nice. You have near 360 views of the savannah. The weather was perfect, warm with a nice breeze. There were animals all...
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