all of a sudden, ndiniz is surrounded by Dr. Doofinschmirtz and his mentors! He then asks Major Monogram to send Agent P to put a stop to Dr. Doofinschmirtz's plans to take over Walt Disney World!
But then, Super Stich arrives, and his muscles become so huge that he has enough strength to put the geodesic sphere back in its place, and before we know it, everything is back to normal at Walt Disney World.
ndinz then goes back into the darkness, ready to destroy anything that blocks his path!
*ndiniz whacks SAV with a Donkey Kong hammer* and decides to change the code WORD to a code PHRASE!
Today's Phrase is: "It's a magical world!"
Remodel one of the restaurants so it's more Phineas & Ferb like, then they change another restaurant into a gaming restaurant with a huge selection of games, including modern video games, classic video games, and a huge selection of pinball machines
No! We hire Sherlock Holmes, the world's greatest detective to find out who is responsible for the explosions.
Meanwhile, ndiniz prepares himself for his 29th birthday......