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  1. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you - Part 9

    I thought you only had 2 numbers last time I was on here! (And paid attention. Lol) So, not gonna lie, I kinda hate you just a little bit right now. :D
  2. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you - Part 9

    I've been gone for a while on here. I miss all of my Disney people! But as of today I am at 231 days till my honeymoon at Disneyland! ! :)
  3. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you - Part 9

    Just got my Disneyland vacation planning thing in the mail yesterday! (Which is actually kind of pathetic compared to the one you get for WDW) BUT....let the planning phase and (hopefully) a new countdown begin!!!
  4. Steve1005

    Did anyone ever earn enough Disney $$$ for a free trip???

    It wasn't a free trip, but who had enough points built up to bring a cool $24 and some change on his last trip? THIS GUY!!! :greedy::greedy:
  5. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you - Part 9

    No countdown for me still, but I'm getting REALLY close to starting the booking phase of a honeymoon at Disneyland! :) just need to figure out final details to see if its possible for us or not.
  6. Steve1005

    To anyone that has been to Disneyland

    You are all getting me really excited to start planning this trip!! Best honeymoon ever here I come!!! :)
  7. Steve1005

    My vacation in a nutshell

    just one pic from the proposal that I took from my computer screen. :)
  8. Steve1005

    To anyone that has been to Disneyland

    This is all pretty awesome so far! Its already making this planning seem a little easier.
  9. Steve1005

    To anyone that has been to Disneyland

    I haven't gotten into full blown planning phase yet, but two quick questions for anyone that has been there before, 1) out of the million airports in the area of DL, which is the best to fly in to? Basically, is there one that's better for traffic wise (busses, taxis, etc.) Or is one cheaper...
  10. Steve1005

    Trip Report Frozen No More: a live birthday TR *Completed*

    It is actually 40? Wow. I just guessed. Lol
  11. Steve1005

    Trip Report Frozen No More: a live birthday TR *Completed*

    Glad you were able to make it and have such a good time! Only like 40 days till the next TR right? :)
  12. Steve1005

    Trip Report Frozen No More: a live birthday TR *Completed*

    I maxed out the score for the first time ever on my last trip! I was talking smack to everyone after that! :)
  13. Steve1005

    FastPass...To A Headache!

    Pretty much sounds like how my trip was to the T. I didnt charge anything to the band, but it was so simple and perfect for me all week.
  14. Steve1005

    Trip Report Frozen No More: a live birthday TR *Completed*

    Unless its coming back home to Cleveland after 8 days at Disney. :)
  15. Steve1005

    Disney veterans..what still makes you feel like a kid again when you go???

    Mine is always coming around the corner from the confectionary and seeing the castle. I just take a deep breath and just soak up all that is "Disney" in that one moment. After my past two trips with my daughter though, she picked one thing at each park (not AN though) that she absolutely loves...
  16. Steve1005

    My vacation in a nutshell

    Oh! Don't worry. I know there will be more than enough pictures I will end up posting on here! :)
  17. Steve1005

    My vacation in a nutshell

    I might just have to! Or I can post the 238 pictures I have on my photopass! That could almost do the whole report for me! :)
  18. Steve1005

    My vacation in a nutshell

    Awww, thank you! I'm so glad my post touched so many people on here. I'm just happy that I have friends on here that get my disney craziness that people on FB and Twitter just don't understand. :)
  19. Steve1005

    My vacation in a nutshell

    The more excuses to have to go down to WDW the better right?! Lol :) and thank you!!
  20. Steve1005

    My vacation in a nutshell

    I left out SO much of the details too! I was so excited to post on here that I realized I forgot so much! lol And thank you! Once i get into my photopass i will post some of the engagement pics. I haven't even seen it yet!
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