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  1. H

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    California.... As a kid(perhaps at 5 or 6) riding in the car back home at night was a treat: Along the highway was a drive in that only showed adult XXX films and the screen was positioned and angled in such a way that if you're alert and ready for it you'd get a 2 second glimpse while driving...
  2. H

    Beauty and the Beast Tokyo ride through

    Looks like you said both very little and quite a lot simultaneously; nicely done. Saying you'd take the 3 top Disney rides in the US over Belle says close to nothing. The way you dismissed a bona-fide super headlining attraction says quite a lot.
  3. H

    Oh no, say it ain't so, Joe..

    But it's a nothing facade, boring as all get out. Can there be a more faceless facade on property housing a headliner??........there is nothing whatsoever about the building to attract.....low profile and sterile. If it were impressive like a Hogwart castle, Hightower Hotel, Volcano for...
  4. H

    Oh no, say it ain't so, Joe..

    Absimilliard, you nicely explained your #141 So Animal Kingdom paths and walkways on super busy days can't handle the foot traffic. I see. Out of say 100 visits to AK the last 20 years I have never had an issue navigating the walkways due to overcrowding---not even one day..........but then...
  5. H

    Oh no, say it ain't so, Joe..

    Anyway to expand on that a bit?
  6. H

    Oh no, say it ain't so, Joe..

    Unless one is drunk(or high on other drugs), conserved due to lack of thinking capacity, blind and alone, terribly distracted or walking around with an IQ of 60 or lower there is little excuse.
  7. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    Ya, there are too many who do not understand that an "E ish" type attraction has nothing to do with likeability and everything to do with budgets/scope/scale/level of ambition put forth. In summation it's about the amount of commitment to the attraction and not how fun or repeatable it is...
  8. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    He was an exceptionally strong, sizable one....... I'm guessing he could hold about 25% of the suspended doors in door room scene from "Mike & Sully to the Rescue" ride at DCA.
  9. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    elaborate AA's??? The closest thing to an elaborate AA in the attraction is the seagull in the queue.......a pretty good figure who holds his own but I wouldn't call it elaborate. The relatively unknown Hodor dude AA in the Smugglers Run is elaborate.
  10. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    Attractions relying on a "CliffsNotes" execution, particularly from a film, lose points, major points. A more winning attraction will offer a new and fresh take on an established story.
  11. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    I see you're one of those types. The one who can take something that many deem worthwhile and/or stellar and reduce it, dismiss it or trivialize it to the point of absurdity. Indiana Jones: "a bumpy ride in the thanks!" Tower of Terror: "it's just an elevator...
  12. H

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Great news, good, I don't see it. If Disney is bringing back staples that traditionally came with paid admission like fireworks and parades then "yes". Bringing back add on paid events doesn't do jack in the scheme of things......they mean nothing to the vast numbers of...
  13. H

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Why is that great news?? What,.... are you in line for some of that money? Great news? I don't think so.
  14. H

    Are any of Future World pavilions better now than when they opened?

    Yep, much better......transportation is a much better way to describe WOM.
  15. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    Retelling the story is stupid.........why not bring something fresh with an open story and if using IP to tap into familiarity then use it as a backdrop only. Attractions designed to retell is for those who lack imagination--- the lazy.......go watch the movie if you want the same exact...
  16. H

    Are any of Future World pavilions better now than when they opened?

    Cars?? As in only cars?? Way too simplistic; I can't give you that one . What about trains, stagecoaches , flight, wheel invention.
  17. H

    Tokyo's Beauty & the Beast... Better than Ratatouille?

    Close to every time there is a comparison of what Tokyo gets to what USA parks get I feel like Charlie Brown at Halloween: "I got a rock"
  18. H

    WDW attendance calculations?

    Indeed they are two separate parks. That is beyond clear: separate hours, individual park tickets, individual identities/themes. I'm saying that I perceive them as one.....just a pet or personal viewpoint I hold since the Hog Express links the two lands of their respective parks seamlessly...
  19. H

    Are any of Future World pavilions better now than when they opened?

    I'd take Nemo's Living Seas over the days of 'hydrolators'. A $450 million Energy redo with its misplaced theme will rip Ellen a new one. Ellen was embarrassingly corny and lacked repeatability. Groot runs a sporting chance of being best attraction on property.....we'll see. The Land...
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