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  1. F


    Just a gut feeling - but if they put out merch with Figment AND Dreamfinder it would sell like hotcakes, especially if they did it in a retro fabulous way. (Then maybe they'd take a hint to what the people want)
  2. F

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

  3. F

    Best place for breakfast in MK?

    The waffles are not on the DDP though, correct?
  4. F

    Favorite Character Interactions

    On our last visit my at the time 3 year old met Alice. While waiting in line, my daughter picked a little flower off the bush. When it was her turn to meet Alice, she gave Alice the flower. Alice explained to my daughter how we can learn so much from flowers and how they can sing, we just...
  5. F

    FastPass+ Chaos at MK today

    omg - I haven't seen The Cheat since I was in college. hahaha AWESOME!!!
  6. F

    ESPN at the boardwalk

    So does my husband....I showed him the menu and he already made up his mind that he's getting it (This is the same guy that gets upset on "how the heck am I going to know what I want to eat 180 days from now?!?!") So if we end up at ESPN, I'll get you know if he survives:p
  7. F

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    My car read -14 this morning - the day we check in they are calling for 68 and sunny - I couldn't agree with you more!
  8. F


    Oddly enough my 4 year old hates jelly too so this is a great question. However I just may use @Matt_Black s tactics. No sensory disorders or feeding issues here... just a weird kid who hates the sugary deliousness of jelly. I'm almost positive the smuckers crustables would be completely...
  9. F

    ESPN at the boardwalk

    I couldn't make ADRs through the website but I don't even think we are going to try for reservations now. If we get there we get there. When we get there we get there. I'm so used to HAVING to make a reservation to do anything is disney that this is kind of liberating
  10. F

    ESPN at the boardwalk

    Any reason why one can't make reservations there? Correct to assume its only walk up?
  11. F

    ESPN at the boardwalk

    thank you - MDE is stating it's only open for lunch and you can only call for ressies
  12. F

    ESPN at the boardwalk

    wait... is it only open for lunch or is it possible to eat there for dinner? Either/or - can't be both. I figure the food is TGIF's quality, not really looking for gourmet
  13. F

    ESPN at the boardwalk

    Are they only open for lunch? Not seeing any dinner hours. Is it possible to eat there for dinner?
  14. F

    Busy week ahead at the parks - Feb 13 to 21

    EMH are extended to 3 am on Saturday the 28th too - Is it expected to be that busy then as well?
  15. F

    Grand Marshall - How to Nominate?

    So awesome! glad to hear!!!
  16. F

    Grand Marshall - How to Nominate?

    Please keep us posted if you're ably to get anywhere. I love hearing stories of Disney magic, especially for a hero
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